Discussion: CNN Host Gets Into Shouting Match With <span id="eow-title" class="watch-title " dir="ltr" title="CNN's Ashleigh Banfield Gets Into Shouting Match With Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones">Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones (VIDEO)

“I’m sure he’s also used the American flag.”

Well, if by “using” you mean burning it, I guess. It does nothing to resolve the central point of the issue at hand regarding the Confederate battle flag, which is that there is no “positive context” for it. Just because a bunch of ignorant morons such as yourself have been trying to whitewash it of the blood-soaked and racist history of that flag since its inception, does nothing to make it a valid argument that it should not be relegated to the dust bin of history and only kept around in museums as an object lesson in how not to behave in a civilized society.


There was a sheriff in a neighboring county that was black but that’s it.

A classic scene in Smallville was when they had the radio in Clark’s father’s (played by John Schneider, one of the stars of Dukes of Hazard) truck rigged up to play that song when he turned it on. Was a funny call out.

If the Confederate flag is suppose to represent Southern Pride and Heritage and not slavery and oppression then why haven’t them good ole boys defended the true meaning for 75 years? If this flag was so precious a symbol then why did they not fight for honor that the flag was suppose to represent?

I get tired of these racists who insist the South was invaded…it was not invaded. South Carolina, on its own free will decided to start the Civil War by bombing Fort Sumter…any other bogus excuses is just white racist nonsense.

You FIRED on us you decrepit old fart! You can’t say you were defending your ground against an invading army when it was YOU who started the whole thing.

And where did that happen? Oh yeah! In CHARLESTON, NC. How stupid do you think we are?

YES’EM BOSS HOG…southern trash talk somewhere else…

And I must mention the irony of this comment of mine. I say “You fired on us…” but truth be told, my family was a major slave holding enterprise at the time. OOPS. :wink:

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(tuggs suspenders) Now I may be a small country lawyer…from Canada. But I would submit to the court that such language is clearly Un-American.

“Y’all can’t define us by the act of a demented hater. It doesn’t connect,”

Fine, “Cooter,” we’ll define you by the acts of the racist, treasonous former government you celebrate.


Looks like Former Rep. Ben Jones (D-GA) didn’t get the Southern Strategy memo, according to many he should be a republican now.

Other than its being not funny - a matter of taste, to some extent and to some period - and ponderous for all of its attempts to tip-toe about all the subtexts like it was wearing boot-heeled clown shoes running through the dungeons of a palace made of playing cards - that show was pretty much exactly the white Dixie most Americans have been able to avoid by voiding.

And is there some LIST of “positives” about it posted somewhere? If so, I’d be interested in examining that list - from a safe distance in a hazmat suit, and stripped of the green shaded specs of “the War of Northern Aggression”.

Charleston SOUTH Carolina is where it happened, Rebels fired on Federal troops at Fort Sumter. Or maybe a typo.

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Well since the relevance train is rolling through town I’d also like to hear from Roscoe, Enos, and Lulubelle.

Author’s note: Flash was indeed the smartest sentient creature on that show.

Oh, the poor south had nothing after the civil war. Poor babies. That’s what you get for defending slavery and that’s what you deserved.

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Hey Cooter! Herbie the Love Bug made General Lee his bitch!

Because Love always conquers Hate!
~BOOM! Goes the dynamite!~

Good for Ashleigh!! It’s nice to see the right wing finally being called out!

“you must understand that that flag has been seen and is now seen also in positive contexts. It’s been used by racists, by horrible people such as this man who killed those people in Charleston — terrible thing. I’m sure he’s also used the American flag.”

No, Ben, he BURNED the American flag.

The swastika is an ancient symbol, with positive meaning in several cultures. But it was adopted by the Nazi party whose use of it has made it a symbol of evil to most people, and you don’t hear Hindus insisting that it is not, or should not be thought of, as a symbol of Nazism. It is. Inescapably. Even if you accept the argument that the confederate battle flag is inherently only a benign symbol of something called southern heritage, you cannot deny that it has been adopted “by racists, by horrible people” to such an extent that it is now, inescapably, a symbol of racism, the oppression of minorities, and white supremacy. If that makes “southern heritage” enthusiasts angry, they should be furious at the “racists” and “horrible people” who have corrupted their supposedly benign symbol into something hateful and almost universally reviled. But that’s not who they are angry with, is it?