Discussion: CNN Host Gets Into Shouting Match With <span id="eow-title" class="watch-title " dir="ltr" title="CNN's Ashleigh Banfield Gets Into Shouting Match With Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones">Ex-Rep. Ben 'Cooter' Jones (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #237764

Look, Iā€™m WHITE and Iā€™m tired of this crap. That flag is a great big cry of NI(CLANG!) on top of the capitol building. You know that but what really pisses you off is that WE know it, too.

Itā€™s WAY past time to take that traitorā€™s rag down. If Haley had any real balls, she would have had it torn down and let the legislature vote to try to put it back up.

As for Roof not representing South Carolina, that is cowardly bullshit. You may feel you have to say that cause you live in South Carolina but Roof represents you to a ā€˜t.ā€™ You are correct when you say Roof is crazy, but only in South Carolina is he considered to be ā€˜standing up for your heritage.ā€™ Face it. You guys have been bowing to his ilk for more than a century and you should be ashamed of it.

And Cooter, that show sucked donkey balls.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s also used the American flag.

He did. As kindling.


Raise your hand if you now have the Dukes of Hazard theme song going through your head.

My godā€¦I canā€™tā€¦makeā€¦itā€¦stop!!!


Iā€™m a big Waylon Jenningsā€™ fan. Donā€™t You Think This Outlaw Bitā€™s Done Got Out of Hand?


Itā€™s been used by racists, by horrible people such as this man who
killed those people in Charleston ā€” terrible thing. Iā€™m sure heā€™s also
used the American flag."

Uhhh, Mr Jones?? Roof BURNED the American flag. And posted an image of himself doing it. So, yeah he kinda ā€œusedā€ it.


ā€œThey were invadedā€ What the hell is it with these traitor confederates? YOU WERE NOT INVADED. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SECEDE. Wow.


donā€™t forget daisey

I remember the show, but not much about it. Were there even any black people in it?

Ms. Banfield did a fine job there. Cooter, er, ex-Congressman Jones, is just wrong.

"That show did have ā€” prominently featured a Confederate battle flag in a very positive context, in a place where there was no racism," he continued.

Yeah, right, Cooter. But it may shock you to learn that there is no such place as ā€œHazzard County.ā€ Itā€™s a fictional place created for television, and its fictional existence is not evidence that the flag isnā€™t a racist symbol. The only heritage it celebrates is a heritage of atrocity.

I have heard it said that the flag was essentially out of the American consciousness until the 1940s when the Tennessee Klan revived it as a symbol. It gained resurgence in the early 1960s as a symbol of resistance to civil and voting rights legislation.

Time we stop listening to fools in denial making these ridiculous excuses for the indefensible. Time for a nationwide Confederate Shame Month.


Itā€™s always nice to get political commentary from a guy named Cooter.


How does the Confederate flag represent a personā€™s ancestry more than the American flag? Jones is likely of British ancestry, so why not the Union Jack, then?


Come onā€¦asking a man named ā€˜Cooterā€™ on your show? What did you expect (wink, wink)? Whoā€™s next? Paula Deen?

And what in the fuck kind of nickname is ā€˜Cooterā€™, anyway?

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That the North invaded the South is a popular meme that has been circulating in the South for decades. They conveniently forget who fired upon who at Fort Sumpter. The other popular meme is that the war wasnā€™t about slavery.


Iā€™d much rather find out what Catherine Bachā€™s legs think about this controversy.


The only thing of Color in the show was the car!


Catherine Bachā€™s legs are much smarter than Cooter.


Ben ā€œCooterā€ Jones, who dissed the film version of ā€œDukesā€ for being too dirty and Daisy Dukeā€™s ā€œDaisy Dukesā€ for being too tight.

Jones is still unaware that ā€œCooterā€ is slang for a part of the female anatomy, that was, although covered for the run of the show, was still on full display.

Of course, it may have been that Jones was pissed that he had not been included in appearing in the film. And it has not stopped him from cashing in on the showā€™s fame (or his, such as it isnā€™t), as he is the owner of Cooterā€™s Place bar and also a Dukes of Hazard museum.

Jones may identify as a Dem, but he is still a Dixiecrat.

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ā€˜Hi yā€™all! Ben Jones is here anā€™ heā€™s gonna help me make a Cooter pie! Now Ben, what exactly is a Cooter pie? Ahā€™m as Southern as you are, and I swear that Cooter is a funny southern name for mah lady parts, least thatā€™s what I called itā€¦where you goinā€™? Why yā€™all runninā€™ away. Come back, Cooter, come back! Damn! Same thing happened when I had that nice Lindsey Graham here. All I asked him was if he wanted to pet mah cat anā€™ he bolted faster than Ben did!"