Discussion: CNN Host Criticizes Fox, Hannity For Allowing Trump To Predict ‘Rigged’ Race

Look at the front page of TPM. (Though, I read it yesterday on the New York Magazine’s site).

Literal shit is hitting fans over there at FOX Entertainment. I hope they all get hit in the face.

Every Ailes story that comes out gives me hope that the Murdoch Boys will be forced to clean house soon because of all sorts of legal liability. Only Megan Kelly will survive, because she is a lawyer and the smartest of the lot. I am pleased to see that even some women, like Tantaros, are being implicated in some of the shenanigans.

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I really find the approach of questioning HRC’s honesty so strange when you consider the track record of Herr (Hair?) Mousse-olini (AKA Trump). How about a case based on policies? But then again, the last thing a typical Trump supporter will engage in is informed debate. Its easier and emotionally safer to just ‘flatworm’ their positions because it provides a convenient explanation for their miserable, unsuccessful and unfulfilling lives. In other words, another tribe stole their happiness.

Tell her thanks for her service.

However, I have to disagree with her sentiment re the VA. The VA care I have received at 3 different VA hospitals (NE, NY & TN) have been on par with the care I received when I had Platinum Health Care coverage. Would I rather have private coverage, you bet, but when I got sick that Platinum HC plan did not cover over $20,000 per month of medication requirements. Does not take all that long to spend 100% and more of any savings. Especially when my employer took advantage of my HC needs, knowing I could not leave, bang goes any annual bonus, flush goes any raise. That lasted for over 12 years until another firm bought my division and asked me to join them. Over those 12 years my billing rate was raised from $35 to $77 per hour and I never saw a penny. Even with low inflation does not take a genius to see bankruptcy soon would follow. Therefore, I am glad I have the VA and not once have they said I could not be covered for a specific medication or procedure, not once have they asked that I pay anything but co-pays on meds.


This guy says fuck Hannity with his accusations. A series of tweets from 1 to 24, worth going over esp if you are outside the area.

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I hear what you’re saying re: making reporters the story and how most Fox personalities do not have even a passing acquaintance with journalism.

But, the media has radically changed since the golden age of journalism and there is a place for evaluation and critique of the media outlets themselves, kind of a meta-journalism. If the original purpose of the fourth estate was to keep politicians honest, we also need someone to keep the reporters honest. Most major media outlets now include a media reporting desk. IMHO, these media reporters took too long to diagnose their own problem with their breathless over-reporting of Trump, but now the backlash is in full swing.

Although he’s attached to the Fox-wannabe CNN, Stelter usually does a pretty good job of pointing out bias and poor coverage. Sometimes he goes off the rails, like yesterday when he had a whole panel of Trump surrogates screeching, thus violating many of his own guidelines. I guess I feel there’s an inherent conflict of interest when CNN reports on Fox’s lack of journalistic integrity, but MSNBC also does it, as do a number of other outlets.

Worried about who might hit HIM with a sexual harassment charge?

Hannity is swimming in the cesspool with Don.

This is also Donald Trump’s debating style.

Like my father who saw extreme violence in WW2 against the Japanese from his torpedo plane, Mrs darr doesn’t talk about her time on the deck of a carrier deployed to various nasty places… Even to me. She just does not want to go there…anymore. It was a long time ago. She prefers to be Gamma to our 7 yr old grandson these days. Several other family members saw service (Navy or Army). Consequently we feel vets deserve to be decently treated. As do their families (thinking of the Khan’s). This time around the GOP has abandoned the military. And they treat combat decorations as baubles for their trophy case which made several here red faced from anger.
My retirement provides enough income to cover her needs health insurancewise and I have medicare A, B and D.

I love the part where Hannity could have been singing ‘god bless the usa’.while moaning about.that host supposedly questioning his patriotism.

CNN employs Lewandowski, how does Stetler feel about that?

Hannity has had years of practice.

These shows aren’t the answer. Stelter largely treats his show like a media lobby firm, lobbying the public. Poo-pooing criticism, and on the rare occasion that he does actually address one of CNN’s faux pas’s, he does it be defending CNN. The majority of the time its a gathering of reporters to talk about how totally awesome they are.

To actually do what you are suggesting (and I agree, as well as I acknowledge the intent that many media outlets have with this approach), they must restrict themselves to only criticizing themselves and the media. They cannot, ever, talk about what a great job they did on story XXX. Sort of a “here is what we screwed up this week” segment.

Of course, that is completely unworkable in today’s “false equivalency” media. “Did CNN jump the shark by suggesting black holes swallowed missing airliner? Or are they just ahead of the scientific curve?”

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Yes, all good points. I’ll admit Stelter often is protective of CNN and a little too self-congratulatory.

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It stands to reason that Drumpf needs an exit strategy. He’s likely going to lose the election, and quite possibly he will lose with record-breaking results. Now, we all know Drumpf does not like losing. He likes winning. In fact, he must find a way to win. So, if he’s not going to win, he needs an excuse. He must find a way to explain away his failure, and the first rule is that it cannot be because of him.

This is the ultimate wag-the-dog scenario, and Drumpf is laying the groundwork now, telling the lie. In the coming weeks he will tell the lie over and over again, probably embroidering it with other lies. The point is, as Dr Goebbels observed, that if you tell the lie enough times people will believe it. Drumpf supporters want to believe it. Like Drumpf, they can’t possibly accept the idea that their beliefs aren’t valid, or that they are somehow “wrong.” So…he tells the lie, and they are predisposed to believe it.

Your name brings back good memories……

Anyway, Trump has long since started his excuse making. I read today that every talk he gives now includes how the elections are going to be rigged and that he’s now added that all of the polls showing him behind are rigged. Now it’s entirely possible, if not likely, that his NPD is such that he even believes these things will all his heart, because now winning isn’t something he can conceive of. Nevertheless, rigged polls/elections are probably the lie of which you speak. Even Fox has articles about how dangerous this kind of talk is.