Not if you don’t have stubby fingers.
Wait…HE’s the one who whined about the baby. How can he both seek publicity… not caring if it’s bad or good …and then whine about the coverage? If anyone in the media apologizes then they should be accused of enabling this monstrosity.
Arguing with Hannity is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.
Hannity knows his audience and when The Donny goes down in flames in November, insHannity’ will gin up, for profits and ratings among the FOX aged and rabid howler monkey audience, the conspiracy theories in full throated rants targeted to keep them on the edge of their seats in trailer parks across the land.
You’re watching the typical trump pathology play. Blame somebody else for what he himself did, or in this case ignited. Soon he will blame Hillary for having had a baby once.
"Brian, answer a simple question. Is HRC a liar?
Sean, do you ever NOT Lie?
I try, believe me. As a tiff between two guys on the teevee it’s just a blip, it’s nothing. It’s the overall incident I’m wringing my hands over—a major-party Presidential candidate, however “unique” and asteriskey, wants people to mistrust the institutions and integrity of their fellow citizens. It’s a huge escalation of something the right-wing noise machine has been doing since a certain Election Day eight years ago. It’s a big problem and the only thing that may fix it is time, as far as I can tell. So I’m depressed at the moment. : ( But then I’ll get a chore done or see a cool kind of bird or something and I’ll feel better again. Anyway fuck Hannity, that stupid waste of space.
Oh, I know. Where I live the British marched through and the Revolutionary colonial government collapsed. You had three factions, basically, Scots-Irish who wanted independence, Loyalists who wanted to stay British, and Quakers who mostly wanted to wait out the trouble. It didn’t devolve into mass fighting but there was trouble here and there. There’s no such thing as a rock-solid, imperturbable society, but I hate it when jerk babies are slamming away at the foundations and threatening the peace the more responsible folks have created.
“I’ve heard.”
“Some people are saying.”
“There’s been a whispering of irregularities in Clinton’s campaign.”
- and more and more and more of the same.
I don’t see either media or campaign folks making the obvious point – that Trump’s rhetoric about a “rigged” election coincided with him falling way behind in the polls. It’s both an obvious ploy and a stupid one – highlighting the fact that he’s losing.
Journalism ain’t what it used to be and nothing like what I learned in my college courses.
If one more of these idiots, I’m looking at you Matt Lauer, asks a person who just experienced something horrible or loss of loved one, “How do you feel”, I’m going to scream. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
CNN Host Criticizes Fox, Hannity For Allowing Trump To Predict ‘Rigged’ Race…that’s our job!
There all fixed!
I understand the Washington Times says Trump is going to pull about 1% of the black vote. I predict there will be precincts this year where Trump doesn’t get a single vote. I also predict there will be white rural precincts where Hillary doesn’t get a single vote. That isn’t a rigged system that is a couple of parties that don’t bother to appeal to the other party’s base. That might be rational at the party level, but it is dangerous at the level of the nation state. We really ought to make some effort to poach the white uneducated base.
What’s happening to Hannity? His ratings in the toilet? He seems more unhinged than usual. This is making him look like a Trump mini-me.
He is about to lose his job and he knows it. At some point all shock jocks go too far to the fringe to maintain their core audience. It is the nature of being unhinged. Sooner or later people get tired of the unhinged act. He is still number 2 at Fox but Fox isn’t doing as well this cycle as it has in the past. Some say that is because Sean keeps kissing Trumps ass, and that isn’t interesting television, but I think Sean’s demographic is dying.
Hey sean, when are you going to get waterboarded like you promised to prove it’s not torture? It would be a good way to find out if you really believe that the election is rigged since it’s not torture you won’t be forced to admit that that is not the case.
If there are precincts where a Democrat or a Republican receives no votes, perhaps Seanda should look at gerrymandering and Jim Crow and not “rigging.”
After the crap now being exposed that Roger Ailes did, using FOX Entertainment funds, to investigate, hound and make up lies about his and FOX’s “enemies,” to be spread over social media, Hannity has not even a toe to stand on. Everything FOX Entertainment says is suspect – everything. Always has been, anyway, but now there’s undeniable proof. The ‘New York Magazine’ has a nice article up right now about what’s being uncovered over at FOX. Those people–Hannity and O’Reilly included–need to go down.
edited to correct magazine name. thanks.