When you’re a Black man who’s borderline insane and your idea of “the Blacks” is that they won’t respect you unless you’re str8up hood.
Pyramid BS is one thing but lying about a hammer attack??? Unforgivable.
Ben Carson '16: Thug Lite
Much MORE authentically black thaN CrYPTO-MUSLIm OHBummer.
That’s awesome. Totally need a pair.
Here’s the scary part. I think Carson thinks it really did happen.
LOL! That’s just too funny. But in their pop-up book cartoon version of history, there WAS no gubmint before the Constitution. All was chaos and disarray and tyrannical edicts from England.
Yeah, but those are facts you are citing, and Ben was citing only the words he chose to use on Facebook. There is a difference and you had better understand the difference if you want to understand Ben.
The legend of Stabby McHammerbricks is put to the test.
Exactly right. Along with his radio “rapper” spot. The man displays a shocking level of racism towards his own race, but its one of those things that is so awkward to point out, that he gets away with it.
The more relative problem his campaign is starting to face is he has a really loose relationship with the truth. And lying pokes a huge hole in the persona he has been building. Its the weak link that brings the whole house of cards crashing down.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the “camping knife” was really a pair of safety scissors.
I had thought the average IQ of the GOP field would rise just slightly with Scott Walker’s exit.
Apparently Carson is doing his level best to ensure it stays in single digits.
Lookie here:
What I find stunning is the most frequent comments you hear or read about Carson are about his honesty, character, and that he’s a genius. I see no evidence supporting any of those assertions, and more supporting the exact opposite of each.
OMG, a spork!!! Is that a metal spork??
“Religious experience in the bathroom” sheds new light on the origin of “holy roller.”
I too would like to hear more about this “bathroom conversion experience”! Actually, on second thought, no. No, I do not.
And lest we forget, these sin and redemption legends are a standard part of the con, don’t ya know.
Gives 'em credibility among the rubes who buy into his con.
You absolutely nailed it with your comment. It is a con based on insulting racial assumptions. Particularly sad (actually offensive) is that a significant group of voters fall for it.