Maybe Manafort and Gates could be roommates in the slammer?
Jeez give this A clown a break … it’s not the Rooskies buying Dear Leaker’s condos were trying to launder embezzled funds or anything…
Oops wait
“Everything was done legally and with the approval of our lawyers.”
That line is right out of 'All the President’s Men". I can hear Maurice Stans saying those very words.
The duo was tasked with convincing delegates to vote in Trump’s favor, and worked from a box on Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena nicknamed “The Eagle’s Nest” – a reference to a Nazi Party country home gifted to Adolf Hitler…
Any comment on Gates from Herr Trump in the FĂĽhrerbunker?
Jeff Sessions can rest assured that at least one of his dreams will come true: those prisons will be packed full of crooks before long.
Of course now the lawyers are getting lawyers. I’m thinking if this thing continues a lot of people are going to get big legal bills. Had Trump not got into the oval office none of these crooks would have been flushed out. And Trump said Hillary was crooked.
Good lord.
“Everything was done legally and with the approval of our lawyers.”
Amazing anyone in this situation would fall back on this bullshit line. As a risk communications pro, this is the line that puts you in the position of making a deal.
“I did what I was told by our attorneys.”
“Did you ever think this was bad advice or against your interests?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Were you paying those lawyers giving you advice? Were they working for you or XXXX?”
“Ah, what is it you are asking me?”
Did you XXXXX?"
We can all guess how well that will go.
That is how these interviews go. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Are you prepared to take the fall, or can you help us understand what happened?
“Run to the jungle”.
DRIP, DRIP, DRIP and now, drink from the fire hose.
Remember when nobody was under investigation? Seems like an eternity ago. So today’s " catch of the day"…Is the wedding planner/self proclaimed attorney who really isn’t/who the fuck knows what else
and this dude
So “catches of the day”
It’s a Calvalcade of Criminality at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Bring your waders, the swamp has turned into an estuary of the Russian Kompromat Sea.
a lawyer for President Donald Trump’s transition team
That calls for a “… you may be fucked” joke.
“When your transition team still employs its own attorneys eight months after the election is over …”
I once wove a copper wire jewelry drop with that sort arrangement–not rotating of course. With 2 mm inside diameter hand cut rings, it was, as they say, not something that I ever wanted to do again.
Besides “Gottverdammt. Scheisse. Scheisse. Scheisse. Fick mich!”?
Not really. Other than that it’s been pretty quiet.
The duo was tasked with convincing delegates to vote in Trump’s favor, and worked from a box on Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena nicknamed “The Eagle’s Nest”—a reference to a Nazi Party country home gifted to Adolf Hitler, according to a Daily Beast report.
Given the six degrees of Kevin Bacon… it’s only a matter of time before all of us are indicted.
Don’t close Guantanamo:
Trump and his Republican communists will fill that prison for enemy combatants to the brim.
We should also use Gunatanamo for any and all US Billionaires and CEO’s who’s corporations bankrolled Trump’s operation AND who hide money in off shore tax havens.
It’s time to turn America right side up instead of upside down for the Trump’s communist movement and the 1% robber baron class. Take back America and make the middle class great again.
The US goes as the middle class goes and under Trump we are sucking pond water worse than under Reagan and Bush.
Only if Donald wrote it:
“Mein. Mein. Mein. And What’s Yours is Mein.”