Discussion: Cliven Bundy Sues Democratic House Candidate For Defamation In Nevada

This case was filed in Nevada state court, not federal court (which would likely be impossible anyway).

Bundy is a total toon, but on this he’s not using the federal courts or authority.

This is a state court case, not a federal court case.

He’s not. He’s using a state court, not a federal court.

This is not a federal case, people! He is suing in state court.

He continues to graze on Federal land without payment. Simple solution: when he takes the cattle to market, confiscate them and obtain the required arrears.

Actually all of the negative comments being made, the commenters should do some homework if you were not there in April of 2014 as I was. I had never met Cliven Bundy or his family before that time. Having seen documentation dating from 1874 to present it was clear to me and hundreds of others that this was not about Grazing Fees or Desert Tortoises, this was about the Bureau of Land Management taking land from ranchers by cutting their grazing allotments and water rights to the point where it drove 52 Ranchers in Clark County Nevada out of business (No Farms No Food) Right? Cliven stood up to them not for himself and his family but for you, me , all of us!!
Lets talk about the Cop Killers Jared & Amanda Miller. I met with Jared & Amanda Miller when they first arrived in Bunkerville at the Protest Area approximately 2 miles from Clivens home. Jared Miller was carrying a shotgun which he told me belonged to his wife. that he was a felon and couldn’t own guns. Jared and Amanda were asking about joining the Protest.I brought them to Stewart Rhodes President of Oath Keepers. in a private conversation with Stewart he Stewart was informed of Jared Miller being a felon. Stewart and some of his staff met with the Millers and turned them away. Sheriff Guilesspi’s office was contacted right away by the Oath Keepers to inform the Sheriff of the Millers With NO ACTION taken by the Sheriff. The Millers were not at the Bundy Protest for more than 24 hrs. and were told to leave, the Sheriffs Office was contacted and no RESPONSE. In my opinion the blood of those 2 Officers is on the Sheriff’s Hands

How horrible do you have to be before you can’t be defamed. Nothing you can say is bad enough. Bundy is a traitor to America. A self-serving, money grubbing, self-righteous, anti-government thief.

That’s is one big pile of right wing bullshit you just laid out there.