Given the standard of evidence in civil trials, it is easy to draw a straight line from his illegal standoff to the deaths of two cops.
It will be dismissed summarily.
Something something Jew media white peopLe are experiencing a holocaust of white.
Previously on TPM:
[Cliven Bundy Refuses In Court To Recognize Federal Authority In Nevada][1]
So… this hypocrite doesn’t recognize the authority of the Courts, unless it suits him.
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Hmm…seems much more defamatory to me, nor worthy of a lawsuit, but most definitely defamatory.
May it please the court, Mr. Bundy didn’t know those people, he never talked to those people, and he was far too busy, what with all the crowds bustling on and off his ranch pointing guns at federal officers and denouncing them as jackbooted thugs and so forth, to do any such influencing as the materials in question alleged. Can we haz some money now?
ETA: OH FFS the killers were at the goddamn Bundy ranch and were thrown off for being felons in possession of firearms. Bundy’s lucky if their victims’ families don’t sue him. Eejit.
It’s interesting how this clown feels he can pick and choose which institutions of the United States government are legitimate, and which are not. I guess if you have a shot at a big civil damage verdict, our courts are okay.
Maybe Cliven can get some free representation from Legal Aid.
Just like all that sweet, sweet grazing on federal lands he got for free.
Part of what these sovereign citizen style wackaloons do is trolling using the courts. I would say this comes under that heading. It clogs up a court calendar, forces someone else to spend money on a lawyer and so forth. And then, when the case gets dismissed, Bundy can yell about how that shows the system is rigged against him.
(Which it is, in a sense: the legal system is at least slightly rigged against people who persist in filing suits when they have no case.)
I have read that the Bundy’s believe Nevada is sovereign meaning not part of the US. How then can this man expect to use the courts he does not recognize?
I am not a lawyer or a psychiatrist but it seems to me that Cliven could do with some serious therapy.
Maybe he’d have more luck with the sovereign-citizen’s court, where the honorable Justice Yura Unbelievable Hypocrite presides.
How does one defame a jackass?
I would be happy to defame Mr Bundy’s character had I a wider audience…
I always say: if someone’s kind enough to give you a docket number, use it to counter-sue.
Bundy’s lawyer, Whipple said, “I have not seen the TV ad myself.”
It will be thrown out for idiocy.
Perhaps he will file more lawsuits. In my years as a court clerk I saw a number of people who did that be declared vexatious litigants. Everyone of them was crazy, living in another universe.
Could somebody lead this trash into a dark canyon somewhere and lose him?
It’s nod defamation if it’s true.
This jackass and his entire family need to spend the winter without the power grid.
Poetic justice would be if he had to wait years and years because of the backlog of judicial vacancies that the GOP has filibustered.