John Miller, John Barron, or Donald Trump…which of these three is a fraud? Trick question, they all are.
Great hammer drop Mrs. President-elect!
As I mentioned in another thread, seems this scam for which he is being sued over is under specific fraud statutes (as Josh mentioned in the Ed Blog) that cover scams targeting the elderly. What a disgusting man.
More of this, Madame Secretary/President Clinton!! – Tell it like it is!!
Get 'em, Hillary!!
Yeah, well, Monica blew Bill, so there’s that.
Remember. Trump’s alma mater is a condiment college: Poupon U. What do we expect?
They criticize each other mercilessly. But Trump’s criticisms seem juvenile and forced, pointing to easily disproven conspiracies. Clinton’s criticisms are solid, about significant matters, and demonstrably true.
[“This is just more evidence that Donald Trump himself is a fraud,” Clinton said at a rally in Newark, New Jersey. “He is trying to scam America the way he scammed all those people at Trump U.”]
Trump is working diligently to improve on his villainy…being among the Top Ten Greatest Threats to Security Risks for the United States is definitely an improvement from simply destroying the dreams of would-be college students. But…hey…“Jobs”, “Trade”, “China” (other buzzwords) amirite?
[The Economist rates Trump presidency among its top 10 global risks …
Mar 16, 2016 - A Donald Trump presidency poses a top-10 risk event that could disrupt the … security risks for the United States, according to the Economist …]
This is going to get ugly the dems haven’t even got to the good stuff on attacking trump yet
The general election is going to consist of dueling tweets at 140 paces. But with Elizabeth Warren as her second and Ben Carson as his, it will be no contest.
I especially like that Hillary seems to be taking a page out of Elizabeth Warren’s playbook. Now watch the “Carny Handed Mango Man” spin up the vitriol! - h/t to the Liberal Redneck.
I KNEW there HAD to be a reason that Yertle is on the ChumpTrumpTrain.
Don’t hold back–tell us what you really think.
(But: Too bad she was reading from a script.)
I will be surprised if he makes it nov…attacks against him are going coming from everywhere
Congrats to Hillary for finally calling Trump to task for his fraudulent and potentially criminal behavior. There is a treasure trove of his past actions that deserve broad public scrutiny and that disqualify him for any position of public trust.
Associated with this latest primal scream from the Donald, Judge Gonzalo Curiel should issue a bench warrant for the arrest of Trump to appear before the Judge and show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court for his sleazy and contemptable comments, repeated several times in public, about the Judge.
bS. Who’s MORE likely to GET INDICTEd BY Benghazi SerVERs AND WhiteWATERsS? And VInce FOSter? HitlarY, NOT TRUMP!1!11!1!one!11!!11!!!
Good stuff. Bet Trump responds in…