Republicans have long maintained that our government should be run like a business. They’ve also argued that deficit spending is bad because our government should be forced to ‘balance the checkbook’ just like American families.
Trump singlehandedly destroys these talking points.
The NY state fraud charges are worse. It’s a felony in NY to call something a “university” unless it is an accredited institution of higher learning, with a campus. This is a criminal charge, as I understand it.
So Trumpty Dumpty has bigger issues in NY than in the class action suit in CA, which is a civil matter.
I dislike the usage of “rail against” - as it (in my mind) implies scolding or ineffectual shouting about. What Clinton did was to hone her attack on Trump as a con artist and business fraud with the real evidence coming out of the Trump University fraud case. And she did this very well – and without the “shouting” that thin-skinned Donnie “rails” about.
I hate that Hillary is having to “go there” but what choice does she/the Dems have this cycle when faced with that Lyin’ PigEyedSackO’Shit? Much more fun when it’s coming from Senator Liz.
Somewhere on 5th Ave a whole team of people are trying to piece Humpty Dumbshit back together again!
Exactly. If you’re going to call someone crooked or corrupt, you better be able to back it up and Hillary has pages of publicly available data backing up her claims about Trump.
Too bad the media played cheerleader and vote counter for this crook during the past year. Maybe they still have time to do their real job. We can only hope.
I agree. It’s not her…for two things, she is not known as a natural jokester by the general public and she doesn’t come off like Warren.
For another, until Trump is not a factor, he is still a very dangerous person who lives for combat. He is already a low person on so many levels and to get to him involves danger for someone who has devoted a great deal of time pursuing a completely different life mission than Trump.