Discussion: Clinton Surges To 6 Point Lead Over Trump In Post-Debate Tracking Poll

Thank FSM. I can’t believe it took this long.

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More like Hillary surges and Trump plummets.

He got whooped in the debate, a clear loss but in his classic jerk style, he couldn’t let it go and he had to compound the loss by going into insult mode and retreating into denial.

The debate has opened issues that HOboy can’t run from and will keep coming at him right up until election day.
He brilliantly lost a BILLION DOLLARS so that he could kick in his genius and save 50 million by screwing over America and us taxpayers.

The, ‘Tax Evader in Chief’ just had his beans spilled.


Happy Monday everyone! The sun is shining, there is the feeling of fall in the air, and Trump is down another couple of points. Oh…and there was this tiny little tax thing over the weekend. I’m sure it’s nothing though.


That story is probably not really factored into this poll. This was taken Friday-Sunday, so really only one day’s worth and the public usually takes a bit longer to mull a story like that over before it starts surfaces in polls.

In fact, the Cuban story has probably not even really set in for this one, either. This is pretty much all about the debate the the Machado follow up


The trend lines show Trump dropping, loosing supporters, since the debate. He can’t afford to turn off a single one.

Still, I wouldn’t describe it as a surge or a plummet. We are only talking about a few points +/- since last week. But it is headed in the right direction.

I can’t wait for this next debate, and any new developments on Trump’s fraudulent dealing in the meanwhile. Another bombshell on the day of the debate would be perfect.

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This is a 7 point shift in Hillary’s favor since the debate. That’s 1 point a day, and at a national level, that’s pretty significant.

Now it is only one poll, but its in line with the polling we were seeing elsewhere last week. I suspect most of the polls today/early this week are going to be reflecting the same trend.


Exactly. Think about that, the worst hasn’t happened yet. He’s still insulting women and Latinos and whining about everything.
Hillary really hit a Grand Slam in the debate and the further away we get from it the more obvious it is.

Hill won debate night and post debate night but the really detrimental impact has happened after that reality set in. The loss ate Trump up and he’s been manic ever since.

Now he’s getting meaner. That’s the plan, to become a bigger jerk and get personal.
Not only because he literally has nothing else and couldn’t learn if his life depended on it but because that is him. All bluster and bullshit, that’s his policy and his agenda.

He’s already beat, he just doesn’t know it yet.


Plus, the internals really kill Trump. Women, in both Partys turned more against him than before and for Hillary. And people of all colors, except ugly white, have done the same.

There is no one out there to get him over the finish line. Excluding hackers and Russians, that is, but I repeat myself.


Excellent! May I use that?


The big news is, the orange one can’t seem to poll higher then the 30’s.

He’s going to lose, BIG!

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I am very interested in the polling of Florida that should be coming out this week (obviously) and, less obviously, the polling in Texas and Arizona.

My suspicion is (and numerous reports of a big upswing in Hispanic registrations last week) is that we are going to be seeing a sizable move among Hispanics in all three states against Trump.

Remember, the math at the beginning of the campaigns still holds true. Trump will need to be north of 45% in Hispanic votes to win. He will under perform Romney significantly, and…my suspicion is that Hispanics are going to be participating at record levels for their demographic this year.


Not personally I hope ; ) Haha!

Sure, tag it to everything.

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Yup, slow and steady, no need to peak too soon. Frankly I won’t exhale until she’s over 50 percent. I imagine by mid-Oct she will be, with Johnson supporters realizing that they can’t vote for an imbecile and come on to her side.


If Trump’s campaign against them and for building a wall doesn’t get them out to vote, I don’t know what will.
Everything says that they are registering and preparing to vote against Trump in huge numbers. So I think it’s happening and the final total is going to put the Trump campaign to rest.
How apropos also, it doesn’t get much better, unless the ladies are also included that will be his undoing. That, as they say, is perfection!

Trump has energized the white/hateful vote and that offsets the Latino demographic some but we are talking about one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing demographics there is compared to one that is probably shrinking the fastest.

The Ladies and Latinos win and so do we. Ocho mas anos!


This only matters if those Republican voters disgusted by Trump stay home and and do not vote in the down ballot races…

Hillary with a Republican House and Senate is not a desirable outcome. The Dems are fucked without the Senate.

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How much of this is due to Trump’s 3am tweet storms?

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I think much based on two interactions with Hardcore Hillary Haters who think that paying no taxes - if you’re rich, not a welfare queen - is genius but were pissed that Mein Hair was tweeting about Machado. My guess is many hardcore haters will end up staying home on election day or leaving the pres box blank. 40 percent he gets, that’s my prediction.


I saw something over on Slate where a supposed undecided was pretty upset about the tweet storm. but then calmed down after seeing Trump’s speech a day or two later.

Clearly the 3am tweet storm is a better indicator of Trump’s personality than his ability to deliver a speech someone else wrote.


The entire world heard about the tweet storm, but only a few thousand heard the speech.