Discussion: Clinton Surges To 6 Point Lead Over Trump In Post-Debate Tracking Poll

Not his speech in PA where he went off the rails? If so, hopeless case.

I don’t even get undecided voters at this point. Like standing behind someone at McDonalds who can’t make up their mind between a Big Mac or taking the vial of arsenic in their purse.


10% undecided is total bullshit. How can anyone not see the differences between these two? If they are still undecided, they weren’t going to vote anyway.
It certainly calls into question their decision making skills.

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My admiration for Sec. Clinton continues to grow…as a candidate, as a mother, and as a remarkably accomplished woman in spite of all that she has faced.
Just imagine, for a second, if Hillary Clinton brought these qualities to the political table:

Had 5 children by three different spouses.
Was a serial adulterer and bragged about many, many conquests.
Had multiple failing businesses and bankruptcies
Paid ZERO federal taxes for almost 20 years
Cheered (and recorded on tape) for the housing crisis and a recession that would give great personal gain
Never held a political office
Repeatedly engaged in outlandish bigotry and fraud

Think she would have EVER even been considered seriously by anyone___ anyone, much less by one of the major political parties, for President of the United States?

She is, as I said, a remarkable person. She has earned her spot at the top many times over.


Ahhhh, Republicans love a surge so they must be loving Hillary’s because it’s so reminiscent of their last President, George W Bush, whom they just happen to never mention, ever.

The, ‘Shock and Awe’ of 8 years of Hillary Clinton is also got to be deeply appreciated by the Repubs because it’s their plan.

I wonder how much they like Karma?

The fact that Texas is even in play tells me Mr. Tax Criminal Mastermind is doomed.

No polling involved here, just people putting real money down. The top line in the graph represents Clinton’s 80% chance of winning, the bottom line represents the eventual loser.

Yeah, probably nothing at all. And yet, here I am, still having my inexplicable surprise craving for some Oktoberfest beer.

(It says much about beer drinkers that when I said this on Disqus, I got several recommendations for good microbrew Oktoberfests and no ISWYDT’s. But while we’re on the subject, Yuengling may have the best reasonably priced non-micro Oktoberfest ever and I have, in fact, managed to talk myself into picking up a six on the way home tonight.)

Complacency is not an option. Trump supporters are highly motivated and will not sit this one out. A vote for Johnson or Stein is a vote for…it’s too horrible to consider. Hear that Susan Sarandon and all you Bernie Bros?


The aftermath of the debate has been remarkable. It is not so much that Clinton “won” in the usual sense, it is more like she set off the fuse to a string of explosives that keep going off long after the fuse was lit. All the while, new things keep popping up. Just amazing. If this isn’t the craziest week in the history of presidential elections . . .

tax avoider, draft dodger. selfish, no shared sacrifice, all about what’s good for him.

what a real american patriot.


my grandma is better than both johnson or stein, but i’m not going to vote for her bc she has realistically no chance of winning.

I wonder if that will be reflected in the polling though, at least this quickly. Will pollsters adjust their likely voter screens to incorporate the increase in registrations or will they leave their demographics as is?

Notice the Trump ceiling too LGB, always about 40 or less and sinking.

He’s cooked, stick a fork in him : )

I don’t expect the Cuba story to do much other than make him a bit weaker in certain older communities in Florida. I hope that will be enough to make him lose Florida which has been incredibly tempermental!!
The problem with Trump supporters is that they twist everything he does as just being “A Smart Businessman”. Violate embargo? Isn’t he smart, he’s going to be the first hotel in New Cuba! Pay no taxes for 20 years? He’s a genius! Take huge amounts of federal money after 9-11? He’s just working the system!

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Even more so with Trump.

I’ve been checking this site for months. Clinton’s always been up, trump’s always been, what would you call it, struggling, failing, losing?

@edhedh Over the months I’ve been checking it, the generic Democrat was always ahead, then it became Clinton being ahead, and the generic R was always trailing and now to no one’s surprise the drumpf is seriously trailing. I’d be planning on popping some corks sometime the first week of November.

@leftflank There’s hopeful news from different sources about both Asians and Latinos reevaluating their previous support for the R party. In both groups citizenship applications are up with an aim to vote this November. We don’t want to take anything for granted, but we seem to be flooded with TRUMP HAS DONE. . . . news everyday and it can wear you down while back in the real world it’s not as glum. I blame the horse race reporting as well.


yeah, but trump polled his 5 children and got 60% support.


i locked in a straight up bet months ago. looking good. the clinton plan is playing out in a timely fashion.

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I doubt anyone is even hedging their bets, Trump is going to lose so go all in.

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Who needs a President who is up at 5 am tweeting about a fight with a beauty queen over whether he was wrong to be degrading to her about her weight?

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