Discussion: Clinton Stays Diplomatic When Asked About Carson's Pyramids Theory (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #242593

Well, there she goes again acting like a grown-up.



How come Carson is polling ahead of her? She is terrific.


…Then I go and read the drivel that all 27 batshit crazy candidates on the other side say on a daily basis and weep for the country knowing that even still they will still get 45% of the electorate to vote for one of those fuckers just because of the ®.


Most people aren’t really paying attention.


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We’ll just have to wait and see how that turns out

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Basic politicking: When your opponent is soiling himself, stand back and don’t distract too much from the soiling taking place. Carson is helping the Democratic candidates by making them appear even more sane and stable by comparison.


“Hillary laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’

‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said Doctor Ben. ‘When I was your age,
I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as
six impossible things before breakfast.’"

― apologies to Lewis Carroll


The RepubEvil Hillary:
Words matter. What we say matters.

The breath of rancid air Trump:
Don’t listen to my divisive words that I use to get elected. When elected I will be the great uniter!

Must have hard, really hard, to resist the impulse to say “bless his little heart” But my country cuzziins back in Pokiehoma are defending him from the libbryl commynest poogrssion medgia…


Fifty-seven percent of Americans believe in the devil, for example. A little red guy with horns and a pitchfork and a van dyke beard, living somewhere in the fiery world in middle earth. This is not a reality-based country. Hillary or Bernie or any sentient Democrat will have an uphill climb against idiocy. Not to ruin your day, but there it is.


Damn. I thought Hilary would use the opportunity to drop the big bombshell about Carson’s past.

His real name isn’t Carson.

He will admit it if he’s confronted, but he probably will claim that he chose a fictitious name to avoid dragging all the other Ghazi’s into it.

God Damn I hope she wins because she going to be such a good president, much like Obama. Just hope we also get some changes in congress so it will work with her.


" but then it does have to turn serious."

Not when you’re living on a fact free diet,Madame Secretary.

If one of the non-politician loons wins the R nomination, it feels inevitable that they’ll make an absolutely sincere public comment that something they said in the primary was just to win, not something they intend to do or even believe.

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Humans are not naturally reality-based. Your own internal image of yourself has a lot more to do with how you react to the world around you than actual facts. Now when that internal imagining of who you are collides with the real-world, fact-based reality of who you are, things get interesting.

I think the movie “Brazil” illustrates this very well. The protagonist is this office-worker wimp, but his self image is that he is some winged Greco-Roman hero, which leads to consequences good and bad.

I don’t know what the consequences will be as this Republican experiment in “building our own reality” comes crashing down, but there are going to be a lot of people whose self-image is suddenly at odds with the reality they live in. This could lead to a lot of incidents like Waco or Ruby Ridge or even Oklahoma City. One clue is with aging Nazis who believed to their death that Hitler was right.


Within your post is an extremely important point.

Regardless of whether Trump, Carson, some other Krazy or some “establishment” candidate gets the actual G.O.P. nomination, REPUBLICANS WILL VOTE.

Both McCain and Romney were loathed by vast swaths of the G.O.P. electorate, but Republican voters held their nose and voted.

On the other hand, we are going to have to be careful about slippages, because it is not as axiomatic that Democratic voters vote for Party. It is simply a different universe of voters. If and when Hillary gets the Nomination, will Bernie’s people come over? Or will they stage a “purity party” and sit this one out. This also has enormous importance Down Ticket and for State races (which, for G.O.P, voters are, in a sense MORE IMPORTANT THAN VOTES FOR PRESIDENT).

To my knowledge, I do not believe that Bernie will go Third Party if he doesn’t win the Nomination. But with “purity party” folks, does it matter?

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HRC’s going to win the nomination and then win the election. So fuck polls with answers given by stoopids…


Yes, but the question hasn’t been tested in the other direction yet. McCain and Romney were loathed by the radical, extremist, right wingers in the party.

But what happens with that base gets a Trump or Carson? Do the moderate leaning republicans in the suburbs still bother to go out and vote? Or do they go the golf course or shopping instead?

The radicals are likely to vote anyway; even if McCain is a RINO, he is a damn sight better than some muslim socialist black man. Moderates on the other hand, won’t think the same about a crazy Carson and a pragmatic Hillary. Think of Nicole Wallace not voting in 2008 once she went face to face with the crazy that is Palin. It was just too much for her to imagine her being in the White House, so Wallace didn’t vote at all.


When will a gambling site start taking bets on when Carson will ‘suspend’ his campaign for President?

Wanna bet?