Discussion: Clinton Opens Up About Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories About Her Health (VIDEO)


Heh, heh, heh…well-played, Madame President!


You know, somehow, I don’t think a clip of this will be shown on Fox news…


It’s amazing how brains and humor can keep someone intellectually light-years ahead of a knuckledragger, like Donnie…


Trump is obviously unfit to be President, temperamentally and policy-wise, etc.


The Trumpskis retaliate by claiming that Clinton is physically unfit!

How childish can the Trumpsters get? Stay tuned.


“Healthy as a horse”. That’s a pretty subtle reference to Putin…


Wow, you may well be correct.

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Sitting on a bus in Oslo, Norway, vacationing…two American ladies sitting behind us on the bus discussing how they heard Hillary’s health was bad, and she should not be running…sad…my husband tries not to engage strangers in political discussions, however he couldn’t take it. He leaned over and said Hillary is fine, that is just the Trump campaign trying to find something to say about her…don’t think they believed him…but so sad. And so ridiculous they would believe it.


If she’s healthy, then why did she cancel all her major policy speeches in the coming days? Oh, I’m sorry, THAT was trump who cancelled events. Of course if Clinton HAD cancelled even a single event, not only would all trump’s chumps be bragging about their lunacy being totally vindicated, but you can bet even non-Fox sources would be saying, “Is there something to Trump’s latest charges?”

Can’t help but see an element of sexism in this nonsense–“she’s too weak, too stupid,” and all that. The moron-brigades are happy to call Pres. Obama every name in the book, but I don’t recall these particular charges coming at him. Or even at Bill, whose health struggles have taken a visible toll. One can only hope the majority of people see this as the pathetic last-gasp that it is.


I have seen this clip elsewhere on a more, how shall we say, less open-minded news source. And there the comment board is filled with people pointing out “the pickle jar opening was rigged because they couldn’t hear the ‘pop’ at the end.”

I kid you not. That’s how invested they are in this charade. Sad (no, really … sad).


Health of a potential President may be an important consideration. If so El Pato should finds something else to pull out of thin air. Any number of shrinks would love to do a clinical investigation of his mental issues. Let’s see if his soft tiny fingers can open a pickle jar for the first time in his life. And also, too, sad, men tip over seven years before women on average.


Truth is, they’re both too old to be running for POTUS. We get to choose between a 68 yo grandmother and a 70 yo seriously ill narcissist. It’s ridiculous.

but not as smart as one.
He does however “Dumpf” anywhere he feels like at any time.


as a horse

Well, maybe a goat.
Clearly Aunt Jane is with Her…

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What would you prefer? A 22 year old hipster?
(Bernie is 74 and older than both of them.)
According to the Constitution you must be at least 35 years old to run for President.
At the time there were no “Term Limits” (this was added under the 22nd Amendment in response to FDR’s 4 terms) and it was felt that 35 allowed for a reasonable number of terms without a “Lifetime” President. The average life span at that time was 36-40 years.


Health care and nutrition are much better these days. I am still working at age 68. If you take care of yourself being Hillary’s age shouldn’t be an impediment.

Some jobs are more physical than others. I haven’t been able to swing a sledge hammer for years now. But I am still able to walk at least 10,000 steps (5 miles or so) everyday.


So…Clinton said NOTHING about a ‘right wing conspiracy’ but the headline writer thought it would be SO funny to bring up something from 20 years ago? We can’t discuss the absolute BS of lying directly to the public about her health but we CAN do a ‘wink wink’? Wow.


I know it’s not her favorite thing, but I love when she does these appearances and people can see that quick-witted, fun side of her. She’s really got an appeal all her own and although it’s irrelevant to governance I’d love to have a beer with her, or whatever kind of drink she’d like. Hey Hillz! I know a place with hard cider on tap!


I’m reassured that Secretary Clinton agreed to take part in the Feats of Strength segment of the campaign.

Sadly, Trump is still stuck in the Airing of Grievances.



She really does need to do more of these sorts of shows. She is good at it and Americans need to see her.