Discussion: Clinton Opens Up About Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories About Her Health (VIDEO)

That wasn’t even the best line…

when asked how she plans to prepare for debating Trump. she said she plans to use all of her experiences from elementary school.



Or this:

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Pickle jars!!
Lets issue a challenge to Donnie and see if he can open a pickle jar.


She likes beer that nobody else likes, but gets the job done :wink:

And of course this one


Not all of us over 55 are on our death beds. I’m 59 and am still actively employed as a lawyer with a grueling work schedule and recently completed my 24th half marathon (having taken up running at age 55). Not only is having good health a matter of having good luck and good genes, but it’s also a matter of taking care of yourself.


Or Bojack.

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You are not paying attention, are you?

CLEArlY HITLAry is SUFFerING from a brain-eating amoeba, Naegleria fowleri. SEIzures AND BEING LIBtardicalLY MENtal are SYMPTOMs of your BRAIn being eaten. It’s everywhere ON THE gooGLE machine.


BTW: Trump keeps cancelling events. Taken back to Trump Towers to recuperate. Must be his health. Imaginary doctor says he’s healthy. I have read this. A lot of people are saying it. Low energy. No stamina. Puffy. Sweating. Very sick. Heavy drug use to keep going? It’s been said. This is what people are saying. SAD.


crazy. TRUMp HIS THE healthiest PERSOn ANYwhere TO HAve Ever Existed Everywhere Forever. He caN LIFt UP to 25 LBs wiTH MINImal effort. He eats LEAN protein lIKe fried CHicken.ANd His manual dexterity IS Excellent from HIGHly HOned TWITTEr FINGers.


Yeah, I’m in decent shape too and walk 3 miles everyday at 72, but we’re talking about the hardest job in the world, not doing spread sheets at a bank in the mortgage department. You can keep up with the 30 yo at the bank but POTUS, when considering the physical demands, the unrelenting stressors and cognitive skills required, is a younger person’s job.

What would you prefer? A 22 year old hipster?

You don’t need to go to the extreme but a two candidates in their fifties, in decent physical shape, would be better able to handle the job IMO.

Pfft. Unless she can run a sub-5-minute mile, bench 225 ten times and then swim a mile in choppy waters, she’s got one foot in the grave.


Do you think that Trump at 55 would have been a better candidate? (that would have been in 2001 BTW)
At what age does Experience, Wisdom, and Calm under Pressure get magically bestowed upon candidates?
I don’t think you could keep up with either Trump’s or Hillary’s schedule (especially Hillary.) I know I couldn’t and they are both older than I am.
Just when should politicians “try for renewal at Carousel”?


I’ll take a 68-year old Hillary Clinton over a 54-year old George W. Bush, a 45-year old Ted Cruz, and a 39-year old Tom Cotton.


Wow, somehow I never got around to seeing the bartender one and it’s really, really funny. That second “coulda been sooner” was one of those works-on-so-many-levels things. And funny.


OMG. :worried:

It’s not just the lack of a pop from the pickle jar. The kerning was wrong—it had a 70’s look to it, rather than being modern. This was no kosher pickle!!

Yeah…I almost think that was off script,something McKinnon worked in on her own, without telling Hillary ahead of time. :slight_smile: But she rolled with it well.


That’s great but you know you’re the exception, probably in better shape than your average 25 yo. And I also ran two half marathons in my mid forties but my knees gave out eventually. And yes, genes matter greatly. But the average non-marathoner is better able to handle the POTUS job description at 55 than at 68, 70 or 74 yo IMO.

Do you think Sen Feinstein was up to the task at 82 to still be chairing The United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence?