Discussion: Clinton On ‘Cold’ Rep: Emotional Control Is How Women Handle Everyday Sexism

Also don't wear your hair as the author of the piece does or it will draw criticism from someone as happened today because it drapes over one eye a la Jessica Rabbitt.

Looks more to me like she’s got a Veronica Lake thing going on.


By now it’s in the Y chromosome - they’ve had millenia of practice.

Women are the world’s oldest continuously discriminated against minority


Two pics, worth two thousand words.


Or Kim Basinger channeling Veronica Lake in LA Confidential.


Seen that in the tech sector myself with my mother. Worked on aircraft at Fairchild Republic right out of college, moved to Quantronix where she was dealing w/chemical lasers and knew them inside and out, and then after my sister and I were both in secondary school, went back for another degree and went to work in telecommunications manufacturing as an electronics tech.

She got overlooked a lot by customers and visitors, but her co-workers (and bosses) all knew: you had a question, you asked Grace.


Look at the two morons she’s running against. One guy is a raving lunatic, a sexist, racist, xenophobic, egotistical idiot who thinks he’s somehow the smartest guy in a room full of rocket scientists. The other guy is a sort of hapless pothead who is in as far over his head as the first guy, and yet she’s not exactly destroying them. You can make it about the Clintons, their foundation, emails, etc, but it’s all a bunch of a bullshit. Let’s face it, when the choice is this stark and this obvious, people aren’t sure about Clinton because she’s got a vagina. There’s no telling what that thing might make her do.


Both great quotes.

But Golda takes it…you want a curfew, have the men stay home! Absolutley!


So many women go through the same sort of experience and face a lot of insidious push-and-pull messages. Be ambitious but don’t be too ambitious. Be assertive but don’t be too assertive. Be pretty but don’t be too pretty (seriously). List continues. As girls we often find such messages confusing, and soon learn too often we are damned either way.

So some bigots and idiots attack Hillary saying she didn’t smile last night. Guess who actually smiled less? It was Trump.


Sounds like a pretty good story. I wonder if Trump has as much self awareness?

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Finally, finally someone is telling it like it is. Women have always had to act like nothing was wrong when they wanted to hit someone in the way men have always been allowed to do when their honor and dignity were abused. If we fight back, we are called too emotional and too weak. If we don’t smile, we are being too serious and not one of the gang.

The hell with being judged by men who are not fit to be questioning anyone else as they are too conceited, too dumb and too full of BS to know which end is up.

This declaration by Clinton automatically bonds her with billions of women on this planet. I don’t give a care what Trump or Republicans say about her. She has the right stuff…plus she has to do it wearing high heels and dancing backwards…and does it so well.

But then maybe she doesn’t need to any longer. She can do it her way and tell these male conservative goons to take a hike. It’s time for pathetically misogynistic men to get used to the fact that a woman is much more fit for office than they ever will be.


He does gets the nod for the most pompous smirk moments.

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Actually, I find that Germany is far worse. After attending business school in the US I started my professional life in Germany. In the US the issue of gender discrimination was discussed in the class room, and so I was shocked what kind of crap my female colleagues in Germany had to deal with. Always smiling, having to pretend that the boss’ sexist jokes were really funny. Behavior that would have been a firing offense in the US was simply tolerated, and a “boys will be boys” attitude prevailed.

And that was at a company lauded for offering the best career prospects and HR policies to women in the IT industry.


Men are lucky. They can handle heckling by bragging about their big hands.

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Every man knows, just like every white knows that if you ain’t a white man you’re going to have to work a lot harder to get ahead.

Edit: Oh and every white man that says it ain’t true is a liar and everyone, regardless of color and gender knows that!


beside all the well documented comments regarding Matt Lauers rude behavior toward Hillary Clinton, whitness his “be brief” comment before he finished the question. I add a bit of" Body language" lol note Mattie giving Donnie “a good old boy pat on the back” when Donnie entered the Forum. women have been hosed over by this sort of action all their lives. Vote for Hillary “what the hell have you got to lose”


We’d be easier to get along with if we could dunk a basketball. Or dance.

Hey, some of my best friends are white men!

Heh, just kidding. They’re Homo Sapiens like everyone else, so the ingredients for friendship are meager at best.

Or, if, Lord forgive me, more of you were show-ers instead of growers. LOL

Wished it was so clear cut because that would be an improvement over the present situation. I find that most white men in the US/Canada are truly completely blinded to the privilege they enjoy. Often times it’s willful ignorance, but it is not lying because these guys truly believe that their life is just as hard if not harder than anybody else’s.


Actually, when those same qualities you ascribe to Trump, if exhibited by a woman make her hysterical, emotionally unbalanced and/or bitchy