Discussion: Clinton: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich as He Says He His

What I have been wondering about and it was confirmed yesterday in pictures of Bernie arriving at the Senate to vote for the first time since January with JANE in tow. The woman is ubiquitous. What other senator brings their spouse to work with them. Bernie is uxorious.

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"You have to ask yourself, what's [Donald Trump] afraid of?" [Hillary Clinton] asked, musing that he may have avoided paying taxes. "Or maybe he isn't as rich as he claims."

that he may have avoided evaded paying taxes

Thereā€™s a difference.

It is not at all hard to get under Donnieā€™s skin, thin that it is. Call him a Scottish German and question his sainted momā€™s citizenship or ask him a question about the finances of Trump U. Or the charge he raped his own wife in a fit of pique and ripped some of her hair out by the roots in the process. Or any of a hundred other subjects. When his answer doesnā€™t stay on subject bring him back to it. Eventually he will blow a gasket.
Trumpā€™s family got to him yesterday and it resulted in not only Lewandowskiā€™s ouster as campaign manager but they got trump to stay off facebook and twitter for nearly 12 hours which has to be a record. I think Ivanka is insisting he be more grown up but he could only manage 12 hours of adulthood.

From trumpā€™s twitter account 3 hours ago:
"I am "the king of debt.ā€œThat has been great for me as a businessman, but
is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.ā€
For trump that is deep in detail as he gets. He thinks he can negotiate sovereign debt which he cannot without destroying the worldā€™s economy.

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Recipients of payments from Trump campaign with ā€œTrumpā€ in name, through May 31. Doesnā€™t include Mar-a-Lago/planes. pic.twitter.com/JF6skaWYGF

ā€” Derek Willis (@derekwillis) June 21, 2016

Trump campaign expenses in May, per @FEC report:
Hats: $208k
Online advertising: $115k
Data management: $48k
Communications consulting: $38k

ā€” Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) June 21, 2016

His hair color is his mood indicatorā€¦

Orange in the morning
Nation take warning

Orange at night
Nation take warning.


Small many thingsā€¦


Bernieā€™s problem is the opposite of Trumpā€™s. Heā€™s much richer than he would like everyone to believe.


Iā€™d love for Al Franken to get in there as well. Iā€™ve got a feeling heā€™d get under Drumpfā€™s skin.


Ah, you prefer to follow Twitter by ticker tape too? I thought I was the only one.

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Trump: all-in, diminutive stack (small hands, too)

Thompson is one of my all-time faves. Here are the lyrics:

Fergus Laing is a beast of a man
He stitches up and fleeces
He wants to manicure the world
And see it off in pieces
He likes to build his towers high
He blocks the sun out from the sky
In the penthouse the champagneā€™s dry
And slightly gassy

Fergus Laing, he works so hard
As busy as a bee is
Fergus Laing has 17 friends
All as dull as he is
His 17 friends has 17 wives
All the perfect shape and size
They wag their tails and bat their eyes
Just like Lassie

Fergus he builds and builds
Yet small is his erection
Fergus has a fine head of hair
When the windā€™s in the right direction

Fergus Laing and his 17 friends
They live inside a bubble
There they withdraw and shut the door
At any sign of trouble
Should the peasants wail and vent
And ask him where the money went
Heā€™ll simply say, itā€™s all been spent
On being classy

Fergusā€™ buildings reach the sky
Until you cannot see ā€˜um
He thinks the old stuff he pulls down
Belongs in a museum
His fits are famous on the scene
The shortest fuse, so cruel, so mean
But donā€™t call him a drama queen
Like Shirley Bassey

Fergus Laing he flaunts the law
But one day heā€™ll be wired
And as they drag him off to jail
Weā€™ll all shout, ā€œYouā€™re fired!ā€


Thatā€™s an Elizabeth Warren level burnā€¦

Hillary and Elizabeth dump Trump:



Alternate Headline: "Clinton Goes There: Maybe Trump Isnā€™t As Well-Endowed As He Says He Is."

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Hmm, destroying the US economy or passing a few emails. I just canā€™t figure out which is worse. Hmmā€¦

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Itā€™s like a quick jab from the late Molly Ivins! Boy, how great it would be if she were here to comment about Trump.


They contain no character at all.


I was eating in a restaurant some years ago ā€“ sadly, for the life of me, I canā€™t remember where. The walls were lined with pictures of disasters: The Hindenberg ā€¦ the Titanic ā€¦ Michael Dukakis in a tank ā€¦ LOL!! :joy:

As the campaign progresses his mood will be sucked into a trough and attain a steady state of despair.

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Kudos! Though her versionā€™s pithier, and you buried the punchlineā€¦ :wink:

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