Discussion: Clinton: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich as He Says He His

R. Crumb is excellent. Drumpf was well loved in 1989, just as now.

If you multiply that $38,000 times the 14 days since the election for Bernie ENDED on the night of the California primary it comes to $532,000. That’s about what Hillary got from Goldman Sachs but she earned it from a private sector business, while Bernie fleeced it from the taxpayers…So, no, I actually don’t give a crap about the speeches, Bernie, but GET OFF THE DOLE!


“He’s written a lot of books about business. They all seem to end at Chapter 11,”


How a bout that Hillary Kicked him right right in the boys.


Except that most people persist in equating “businessman” with “strong on the economy.” (The latest polls have her leading in the horserace but him leading on the economy.) We’ve got to, finally, get people to break that association; but exposing the fraudulence of his image as fabulously rich and successful is essential to reversing those economy numbers, not to mention his “appeal” overall.

I believe that’s Secretary Clinton.



I never liked Hillary until she came out with “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”


I’m sure she told them what they wanted to hear and has little weight behind it.

This fantasy that she is some closet Supply Sider is nuts.


Trump is so broke … that he soon may have to start paying taxes.
Trump is so broke … that he can no longer afford cheddar and is downgrading to Velveeta Mussolini.

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The documentary “Crumb” by Terry Zwigoff is fantastic.

I worked in SF’s Financial District and while walking down Market Street I frequently saw Robert Crumb’s brother, Maxon, sitting on the sidewalk in the lotus position swallowing his long, stringy cloth. I was quite surprised when I saw the movie and finally found out who this odd person was.

And now we know how little money he had left, and why is he trying to act “normal.”

According to this Trump just sent his first fundraiser e-mail and said he would match every dollar in the next 48 hours UP TO $2 million. So that’s what he was facing. Less than total of $4 million between cash and what he has left he can put in. And there are 9 days I guess to the next fundraising report.

Trump sends first fundraising email, vows to match donations

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We challenged Romney’s image he built as a businessman, we can do it for Trump as well.


Maybe she wrote that one herself?

Oh, no question. My point was that while it’s important to highlight his comments that prove he’s got “no understanding of issues,” which @darrtown would like to be the main focus, given what we know about most voters the essential thing is to blow up the (bogus) image of Trump as business genius. And boy, for the long term, we’ve really got to make people realize that even legitimate business success is no indication of understanding of the macro economy and monetary policy. I mean, Bloomberg still thinks the financial collapse was caused by poor people getting mortgages.


I see the fingerprints of Karen Finney (or her staff). I’ve always liked Karen.


Don’t forget PBHO!

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My state of Arizona has experience with businessmen as governors. We have had 2 and we’re working on #3. The 1st 2 had no gov’t experience before taking office (sound familiar/) One was a real estate guy as well. The 1st, Evan Mecham was removed from office for embezzlement of his inaugural funds to prop up his used car dealership.($80,000).
The 2nd guy Fife Symington, was a real estate guy and was involved in a scam not unlike the crap Trump pulls. That scandal nearly ruined McCain in the process. Symington did a couple years in prison. Our present governor is built in the image of Sam Brownback. He thinks massive tax cuts for the rich will balance the state budget. We know better. He also has savaged higher education and K-12.
Now, all this may sound off topic but it isn’t …Trump’s handing the American electorate the same scam we in AZ have seen repeatedly. Business people make shitty politicians.


She nailed it.


When will Trump release his tax returns?

What is he afraid of?

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Agree, that will be the job for the campaign. But they will have plenty of surrogates to help them: in addition to Democratic officials and liberals such as Krugman, there will be people who got stiffed on their investments, contractors who got stiffed after completing work for him, etc.

And I think even conservative economists, such as Bartlett, will be willing to pick apart his musings – I hesitate to call them policies – on the economy.

Clinton has another advantage in that she would not be inheriting an economy in crisis, which Obama did eight years ago, so the level of anxiety among voters won’t be quite as pitched. Even in 2012, the economy was still on uncertain footing and unemployment was higher.

In the end, I think even the some of the moneyed class that normally breaks Republican will cast their votes for Clinton – if quietly --out of necessity; I think they’ll give up their demands for tax cuts and rollback of regulations in exchange for financial stability.


She does seem adept in the dark arts of snark.