Discussion: Clinton: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich as He Says He His

I think Trump will manage an almost unthinkable feat this year: he will drive wealthy Republicans away. Trump’s base are largely the unsuccessful, the uneducated, the pissed-upon lumpenproletariat that the GOP always panders to but never delivers for. I think many of the very wealthy are dismayed by him.


I hope nobody give him a goddam dime or a vote. A swift kick in the ass tho would be good.


I gotta say I agree. Trump is no business genius. And that should be jammed into peoples heads…along with his lack of understanding of any sort of policy, government, the Constitution, powers of the President and a long list of stuff I don’t need to post here cuz we already know Trump’s faults.


Oh, I agree almost entirely. My main concerns (and apparently my narrow tactical disagreement with darrtown sounded more like “concern” than I’d intended) are:

  • the fact that lots of people still don’t see the benefits of the recovery (some out of political attitude, but many because of the reality of their lives);

  • the default belief that “businessman = economic expert” is a real factor we need to push against; and

  • the fact that, certainly judging by today’s coverage, the media are clearly salivating to resuscitate Trump after his awful few weeks, and keep him competitive (or in Halperin’s case, actually triumphant). Note the reporting on Hillary’s speech today: lots of “not as sure-footed as her foreign-policy Trump speech,” and “Trump finally has a rapid-response team – professional campaign on track!” Not sure how much coverage those folks will give Krugman and Bartlett.

But yes, between our “Murderers’ Row” of surrogates and the actual real people Trump has screwed over the decades (who I expect will be prominent in ads and interviews), we’ve got lots of ammo on Trump. It’s just that there are certain realities we need to factor into our messaging; but I’ve got full confidence that Clinton’s team is doing so.


I zero in on policy stuff probably more than i should. I’m sort of a wonk about it. But any “disagreement” is pretty darn minor. The big picture being… do all we can to be sure this buffoon in a Chinese suit doesn’t get elected.


Warren also went there today:

“Maybe he’s just a lousy businessman who doesn’t want you to find out he’s worth a whole lot less than he claims. We really can’t know for sure.”

I can’t wait until the humiliation drives Donald into full rage.


Yes, I don’t expect we’ll win over many dead-enders, but if we can get a lot of the reachable, sane Silent Majority that will offset those losses.


Last I heard RT spends most of his downtime in SoCal, so I’m sure he’s closer to Trump than he would like. Still, the Scots do mostly hate him.

Oh, he’s got pretty small hands. Look at this picture: . That looks like a teeny, tiny baby hand on the right.

There are a number of mock trump Twitter feeds, and I like this one where you can follow the imaginary guy named Donald J. Drumpf.




This aspect of his failed campaign annoys me more than the campaign itself which I could tune out if I chose. He makes $174K a year for about 124 days that the Senate is nowadays in session, so really to talk up income equality and socialist “for the people” values just means to me he’s a hypocrite of the worst kind

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Trump is the one who said that to be great, you have to be rich. And his whole image, the whole insufferable bullshit we have had to constantly hear about in NYC since the late 70s, is on one of the people featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.


It’s a sad truth that in our culture people think that wealth equates to value as a person, skill, smarts, etc

It’s fascinating.

I would love to see Team HRC put together an ad, or series of ads, with real people who have been stiffed by Trump telling how his lying and reneging on contracts hurt them, hurt their families, caused economic instability/loss of a job, or bankrupted them or their small business. There must be hundreds if not thousands of people who have been hurt by Trump’s “trickle down theft” of goods and services.

Blue Collars speaking out to Blue Collars may change a few minds. I’d be happy to accept either “not Trump” votes or people who may have supported Trump just deciding not to vote this year (and no, not in a voter suppression-y kind of way)

That would be great. Remember the ads from 2012 that showed people who lost their jobs when Romney bought out their companies?

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Yes indeed. Every time Hillary or Liz Warren bring up his hands or fingers, everyone will think about how tiny they are :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Well, beloveds, Trumpy is just an old con. I know you want to believe him, but, sugah, he is just funnin’ ya.

Brilliant, I agree.
It’ll be awesome if one of the Dem-Pac will hire Crissey Teigen(John Legend’s wife), to continue her awesome slap-down of the orange vulgarian

Here’s the narcissist at work -
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 29 Nov 2015
Will be meeting on Monday at Trump Tower with a large group of African American Pastors. Many I know-wonderful people! Not a press event.

…Now, checkout Chrissy’s badass tweets response: @realDonaldTrump so don’t tweet about it you twat :yum:

…And Crissy’s coup de grâce tweet on Donald’s birthday: Happy Birthday, you monumental asshole! :yum:

And her campaign launched this website…

Art of the Steal

Trump, on the other hand, launched a website called “LyingCrookedHillary.com” but it’s still blank lol.
