Discussion: Clinton: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich as He Says He His

I thought Hil answered that once. Something like "A Trump event is such a spectacle (amusing, over the top, grandiose, silly - all implied), who would want to miss it?

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or an eye roll? a shoulder shrug? an eye brow? Can’t wait to see the video.

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Somebody at the Hillary headquarters must have done some serious research. They are trying hard to get under his skin. I suspect the Donald is gong to have to bite his lip really hard not to pop off in response.


Do tell, what else have the Clinton’s stolen or is this more Sanders supporter, whiny baby butthurt because your candidate couldn’t steal the election from Democratic voters? Projection much?


I’m using that line from here to November.

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Damn fine flaming arrow for a major Drumpf burn. I don’t know if Hillz or someone else made it, but Kudos is well deserved.

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Nah, that will fall on deaf ears. The reason they’ve been exploited by Drumpf and his ilk is that they’re not the brightest bulbs. They won’t even realize she’s talking about them.

His tweets sound like a 10-year old yelling insults on the playground.


Yeah, but I think it was more of a “I tried to read his book, I couldn’t get past chapter 11” that was going around Twitter a couple weeks ago. Glad team H had the sense to adapt it and use it.


You mean, his tiny, baby like hands with short vulgar fingers, that indicate a lack of artistic ability, and is rumored to reflect the size of a man’s…um…yoooge package?

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Honestly, since it’s one of the things that makes him throw his rattle across the kitchen, why not?


Trump doesn’t have small hands.
He has short fingers—not the same thing.

Hence Graydon Carter’s sobriquet for Trump—“a short-fingered vulgarian.”


Troll, flagged on another thread, tick tick tick…


If a fact is repeated often enough, even an idiot such as yourself may eventually catch on.

Bernie is either a man of his word or he isn’t.

BTW, not to toot my own horn too much, but I used a line much like this on May 6:

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You got nothin’ spencersmom, nothin’.

Ah, yes, the Trumpster fire…
(h/t Chris Hayes)

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There is nothing funny about your post. It is stupid. And dangerous.

Stupid because, in one line, you have removed the last shred of excuses for those Bernie rooters more interested in being anti-Hillary than anti-Republican.

Dangerous because Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Nominee, who is the only person standing in the way of President Trump, an outcome which would end this country as we know it.


Actually I’d hit trump on his lack of experience and no understanding of issues and use the tax returns and questionable wealth as an aside. But I do like it cuz it’s poking him in a very sensitive place.

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