Discussion: Clinton: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich as He Says He His

Thank you! I don’t know why, but I keep forgetting I can check people’s twitter feeds on line. I’m still so old-school.


Whoops, you’re right. And Obama’s probably the best of all.

Biden should be there as well.

But surrogates for Trump? Bankrupt as usual.

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Throughout Clinton’s speech, Trump responded to Clinton with several tweets, and his campaign sent out several press releases on Clinton’s record and Trump’s economic plan.

The Donald’s big problem is that all of this is old news. Everybody knows about Clinton’s record and has taken it into account for good or ill depending on one’s point of view. The MSM wants novelty.


…And Donald vows to “make America manic-depressive again” in a voluminous series of unhinged tweets.


Exactly. Comparing the amount of new “dirt” that is out there on Trump vs Clinton, I’m convinced that poll wise Trump is at his ceiling while Clinton is at her floor.


How about an orange jump suit?

I feel like making a new handle, “THe GhOST of Dorothy PARKer” . GO HILLARY!


I think Hair dRumpf called dibs on orange.


“He’s written a lot of books about business. They all seem to end at Chapter 11,” she said.


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I await the tweet-storm-in-reply banged out as fast as his little fingers can go…
You are not competing with Republican bottom-of-the-barrel candidates here Trumpy.
Prepare to be skinned, filleted, and roasted by Hillary and then hoisted upon your own Petard.

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Give 'im hell, Hill!!

The ethos of The Donald’s campaign is that ‘winning shows that you’re a winner.’ A big part of that is creating the illusion that The Donald is a yuuuuge business success. Let’s keep chipping away at that narrative. The Donald is rich by normal people standards, but he is nowhere near as rich as he says he is and he is nowhere near as rich as he would be if he weren’t so prone to bad business decisions, bankruptcies, and business failures.


Ain’t gonna happen, Darcy. Just ain’t gonna.


If I had to sum up Cheeto Dust Kabuki’s method and ‘success’, I’d characterize it as:

“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit”

It’s a simple and very old guiding axiom that is easy to grasp with tiny hands.


Trump’s mood swings:


good for you for trying, beattycat - I just scroll past the pitiful little burps and farts that seem the sum total of darcy these days…


Already started, khaaannn. Courtesy of LGB:


Bless your itty-bitty heart.


All I’m saying is that tRump only has that as his a retort in relation to her attacking his phony business acumen. Btw, as a businessman, he already had 3 bankruptcies in his past by 2005, with the fourth one coming in 2009. There’s no record of when he first gave to the Clinton Foundation, only that as of 2014 (9 yrs after he was married) it was totaled to be at about $100,000, so I really don’t see that as a reason or justification.

But honestly, just because you’re the Senator from NY doesn’t mean you show up at every failed businessman’s wedding even if your name is plastered on the side of a fucking building or two. I still remain curious as to why the Clintons bothered with that pair unless they actually were just friends at one time.

If the Clinton campaign releases any photos of Hillary in a tank, it’ll be at a monster truck rally, doing 40mph off a ramp to land on, and crush, a jacked-up orange van.


So say the women in his life.