That’s one quote I don’t mind seeing over and over and over again… Does anyone know if she dropped the mike after delivering that one?
Why wouldn’t she and Bill attend Trump’s wedding in Jan 2005? She was his senator, he was well known in NYC, he hadn’t yet launched Trump U (May 2005), he’s apparently donated money to The Clinton Foundation, and they were invited guests. I see no problem with the Clintons attending Trump’s wedding but it is rather ironic now, 11 years later.
Sorry, Bernie’s still a loser.
WOW! Off the rails. What the hell does saying “I am the king of debt” do for his campaign?
The Donald is ))))))0000000(((()))0000___)))))
Perhaps Bernie’s just pining for the fjords.
You left out Obama. Obama is a master at getting under Donald’s skin.
Consider this stolen.
Surely you know that Bern’s Secret Service details costs $38,000. a day, and it’s only to keep his ego on life support.
Yikes, not just unhinged, the whole bleedin’ door’s gone.
He’s such an easy target - and like everything else in Clinton world the Chapter 11 comment was stolen - been around for weeks.
Agree: a brilliant point. This asshole needs to feel a sharp toe on his bum!
Yeah I keep wondering when he’s going to start helping defeat Trump.
I see Donald’s children gave him back his phone…
His We’re-Boycotting-Trump’s-Convention Apple iPhone
Ah, yes. Because what Ms. Clinton said to a room filled with Wall Street folks who paid her to talk to them is really really important. And I am totally sure that she gave them the ultra-secret speech wherein she reveals that it was she who plotted the Benghazi! attack to cover up the evidence that she murdered Vince Foster because he uncovered the truth about Travelgate. And Hillary’s email server. (Vince had a time machine…)
Yes, indeed, the boilerplate speech that Clinton gave is far more important than finding out whether Donald is telling the truth about… well, about anything. So far, he seems only to tell the truth by accident. But clearly Donald’s financial entanglements are of much less concern than Ms. Clinton’s platitudes. And… SQUIRREL!
This line will drive Trump to tweet (after aides use smelling salts to render him conscious from the knockout blow to the orange head)
He sure talks quite a game.
In the case of someone like Joe Biden, not being rich is a plus. Had Biden been going around saying, “I’m so rich it’s unbelievable how rich I am,” he would be an asshole for boasting a lie. So it is with Trump.
Trump responded to Clinton with several tweets
Since Trump has no character do his tweets contain 149 characters or 147?
“He’s written a lot of books about business. They all seem to end at Chapter 11,” she said.
More of this please.