It is indeed weird. It would only work on Trump, since his appeal is built on his being such a ‘winner’.
Well, Hillary has Warren, Obama, Biden and, of course, Bill and many others but I’ve yet to see Sanders to a single thing to help.
So you’ve moved from Bernie for president and destroy Hillary Clinton, to just destroy Hillary Clinton? What are you after, really? What do you want to happen in the country, now?
I never thought of Hillary Clinton as having a talent for the zinger. But with the material Trump is giving her, even Dick Cheney would sound like a great comedian. … Oh, OK, well maybe not Dick Cheney.
Even Michael Dukakis could land this punch.
tRumpf’s only comeback is basically, “Oh yeah, well then, why did you agree to come to my wedding if I’m so badddd?”. Frankly, I’ve been wondering that myself. But this speech nicely makes up for that poor decision at the time.
Sadly, I’ve seen my doppelgänger here on the wrong side of the picket fence a time or two as well.
Please God
No Hillary in a tank photos.
He’ll be there before the election.
“The major political task that we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly,” Sanders said in a much-anticipated live-stream address. “And I personally intend to begin my role in that process in a very short period of time.”
I’m pretty sure you won’t be seeing anything like that this time. Maybe a picture of her pushing a baby buggy with her grandchildren, but that’s about it.
After a small upward bump earlier today, Drump’s chances of being GOP nominee are going down again on
Clinton’s line made the NBC News home page.
I wonder if “short” is based on geological time?
Anyone who’s got a lot of time to spare can read the full Moody’s report she quoted from, but it ends with this which she also quoted
The upshot of Mr. Trump’s economic policy positions under almost any scenario is that the U.S. economy will be more isolated and diminished.
Trump’s “people” deny he is cash-strapped. If that is indeed the case, he must be hiding it somewhere, and that, in itself, is a concern.
Any Donald Twitter activity yet?
Dislike of Trump knows no boundaries:
Exactly. If true that Donald’s campaign isn’t cash-strapped, that would mean he’s not reporting a lot of donations. If he’s reported everything, then, yes – he’s very strapped.
Help yourself. A series of 140-character policy statements and a nod to Ben Ghazi…^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
@spencersmom It was sometime after wedding number three that trumpf started courting Bill, golf matches, encouraging him to buy a condo at the Fifth Ave. installation, but ultimately Bill rejected him. The end of a bromance is always difficult and donald’s been acting out ever since.