I agree.
But weird isn’t it? A culture where you can damage someone by saying they’re not so rich?
She won’t release them because she spoke favorably about Goldman Sachs. It’s pretty obvious. It’s not like there is some sort of bombshell there. Trump’s taxes however are a complete unknown. Did he pay taxes? Is he even a billionaire?
Pshhhhh - since when does the Donald need someone to tell him what to say? He has all the best words.
That’s his entire attitude.
This will also leave a mark:
The same people he’s trying to get to vote for him are people he’s been exploiting for years.
Enjoy Senator Warren’s take down of Trump today:
Clinton’s Chapter 11 comment is probably going to be one of the defining quotes of the campaign. Karl Rove could not have written it more succinctly or devastatingly.
The funny thing is that Con-man Donnie has made this a legitimate campaign issue since his whole campaign has been built on his supposed leadership and business acumen.
Deleted by author (oops, wrong thread).
Hmmm … wonder just what chapped orange skin looks like? Burnt orange, I’m guessing.
Trump is his own Rabid Response Team
oh, you said “rapid” - my bad…
Their first debate…
The ones with no transcript?
Why won’t she say “radical Islamic butt boy”? What is she afraid of?
Need to come up with sound bytes…
I say vapid response team
I trust that you are referring to the “secret” transcripts of the public speeches that Hillary gave? You’re about two scandals late … keep trying though, as you obviously need something with which to fill your empty days.
Got a little Catholic baptismal rite backwash in this one…reminded me of “Do you reject Satan, and all his empty promises?”
Hilly Clinton took an ax,
And gave poor Donald forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She gave Reince Priebus forty-one.
Are those his tax returns?
It’s only damaging because “I’m rich and successful” is basically his whole campaign.
This is just the beginning. Hillary’s speech proved she’s ready to take on Trump and make the case he’s unfit to be president for a multitude of reasons. And she has an A Team of surrogates - Bill, Bernie and Elizabeth Warren - to continue Trump’s dismantling. In contrast, Trump has essentially no one to defend him.
Oh, I like yours even better!
“You have to ask yourself, what’s he afraid of?” she asked, musing that he may have avoided paying taxes. “Or maybe he isn’t as rich as he claims.”
That’s just beautifully baiting the hook. Trump can’t stand questioning his wealth. This is going to be funny.