Discussion: Clinton: I Was 'Dumbfounded' By Comey's Intervention (VIDEO)

Scumbag Comey. We know from Harry Reid that Comey had been sitting on the Steele dossier and doing nothing. Mueller knew when he saw the dossier that it was a roadmap of Trump’s deals with Russian criminals.

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One thing’s missing - it was reported that some of the e-mails leaked via WikiLeaks were known to be Russian creations and Comey still acted on them.



Completely exclusive of the dossier, Comey also knew that the Russians were actively interfering in the election months before the election and, if the IC is as coordinated as they are supposed to be post-9/11, he would have also had access to the active collusion with people from Tramp’s team.

But he only focused on one candidate’s possible malfeasance, which turned out to be the ultimate nothing burger while staying silent on interference in our democratic process by the foreign adversary.

@jordanolsen26 compiled a good set of questions on the Flynn thread


I’m going with a) Russian collusion or b) Russian dupe. B is more likely, although you never know. People can say all they want about his reputation for honor and integrity, but actions speak louder than words. Comey’s actions with regard to the election wipe out any previous “man of honor” reputation he may have previously enjoyed.


Pretty tortured. But, as usual, it’s all tied back in to his integrity fetish in a way that made perfect sense in his head.


Agreed. I think his vanity/sense of integrity is what drove him as opposed to some crazy right wing ideology. To me, if it were about ideology, if in his mind it was truly about protecting Conservatism at all costs, he’d still have a job because he’d have pulled a Nunes. He’d have done PP’s bidding, not taken contemporaneous notes, and asked people to never leave him alone with the president. At this point, he’s done more to harm PP than just about anyone else.


I need to steal that.


More likely that he’ll end up dropping nukes out of pique following some piece on Fox and Friends. N. Korea would be his most likely target, but he could choose LA or SF. In a person with Trump’s mental disorders, pique can be both random and deadly.

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'Tain’t no copyright, babe! Steal away! And the more people that call him that, the better. I REALLY hate that SOB.


I just feel sad for her, yes she did do some missteps in her compagain but she didnt even get a fair shot. I do think she would have been a good potus


Which is also complete horseshit that he got much of the media to buy and choke down completely. His actual reputation is one of CYA, always has been and probably always will be.

This “integrity” meme almost always comes back to him refusing to sign off on W’s secret surveillance program while Ashcroft was in the hospital. That wasn’t because he was doing the “righteous” move, but because he knew he was being setup for being the fall guy when it fell apart. Which it did. He simply didn’t want his ass being the signature on it…so he refused and then raced to the hospital to ensure his sick boss knew he was covering his ass.

However, and think this is very important to consider when discussing Comey’s CYA approaches…they have almost always been about covering his ass with republicans. Because one of the most troubling aspects in analyzing Comey’s actions and inactions, is why he felt such pressure to disregard every DoJ and FBI precedent and policy and write that letter to Chaffetz (knowing full well that it was going to be leaked), but steadfastly refused to even agree with every other intelligence agency that Russia had hacked our election?

Here is the commonality in those decisions. He chose the path that would cause him the least amount of harm, with the GOP, with very little to any concern about the harm it would cause him with Democrats…including, at the time, his boss.

My own thoughts are that he figured Trump had no chance of winning, despite what he did, so why not CYA with the House GOPers, and take Hillary down a few notches? Then when he realized, “OH SHIT, I threw the election for Trump…those policies and guidelines actually DO have a reason for existing!!”, he realized what a monumental fuck up had occurred and starting trying to course-correct so he could get famous being the G-man who brought a President down.

Plans of mice and men…


We’ll never know for sure what Comey’s motives were but the timing of his letter seems timed too close to the election to be a mere coincidence. And it’s hard to believe that he didn’t think that the letter wouldn’t be leaked.

Good interview, and great that she pretty much agrees with me that Comey should have been fired, and that he more than any single other thing led to her defeat.

He was counting on it being leaked, which is why he didn’t tell the DOJ what he was going to do.

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Do you mean President Pence?

Hopefully not?

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