This is what’s so damn frustrating to me. There are so many things that make no sense:
- Nunes is still in charge and causing disruption in the house - how is this possible? How is there not more outrage?
- Where is the spine or backbone from these committees? They have subpeona power. Why are they making arrangements and having negotiations with these people?
- Why was Trump Jr. allowed to testify in private and not under oath? What is the alternative? Trump Jr is scared to testify, lawyers up and takes the fifth on every question? This is actually a legitimate question. There is probably a lot of stuff going on in the background with multiple investigations and the special counsel trying to pit people against each other. But this is causing a real crisis of confidence as we get no explanations for these things.
- Why does Jeff Sessions still have a job? Even if he’s not charged, Why has he not been disbarred for perjuring himself by lying to congress on multiple occasions? I’m an attorney and while some states are more strict than others, lawyers are censured, suspended or disbarred for much less than what many of the people involved in this scandal have done so far.
- One frustrating thing is that we still do not have an independent commission. It’s been 10 months since the election, and more since our intelligence agencies new that Russia was meddling in the election. Democrats are way too optimistic about whether Mueller will find something illegal by Trump. The fact is that there were probably dozens of scandalous events that took place in the election that weren’t illegal that should be investigated by an independent commission.