Discussion: Clinton: I Was 'Dumbfounded' By Comey's Intervention (VIDEO)

Clinton is right about this.

Comey is a partisan Republican who clearly used his position as FBI Director to help elect Donald Trump and his Republican friends.

He also failed to mount any investigation into Trump’s obstruction of justice even after Trump unambiguously tried to make Comey a part of the obstruction conspiracy. He did not turn on Trump until Trump fired him.

It is remarkable that some Democrats still defend Comey as “non-partisan.” He was one of President Obama’s worst nominees.


Her comment on the 6/9 meeting w/Junior et al was even better. Called the story a lie on national tv. It’s that sort of thing that can spur the MSM tv reporters to cover the #trumprussia story more aggressively.


She’s disappointed in Comey, and questioning his behavior, but unlike many of the GOP leadership, is not asking for his prosecution, denigrating his character and generally engaging in witness tampering.


But Comey said it made him “mildly nauseous” to think that he had had a role in determining the outcome of the election. Isn’t that mea culpa enough? What more could she want?




We’re in such strange and interesting times. She’s absolutely right in everything she says about Comey. Really, PP and his administration are right in the bullshit reasons he initially gave for firing Comey. On the other hand, his firing of Comey, Comey’s note taking, and attempts to bring about a Special Counsel may be what ultimately saves the world. He’s like a terrible landlord who wouldn’t fix an electrical problem, but just risked life and limb to save your family’s lives from almost certain death in an electrical fire caused by the electrical problem he wouldn’t fix. Strange, conflicted times these are.


Comey is definition of right wing republican leo civil servant. That is how far right Trump is driving everything.

Republicans still want to reopen nonsense investigations into Clintons even though they don’t have any power. Imagine the gridlock if she would have won. The right is currently incapable of running a democratic republic.


But Hillary, if it wasn’t for Comey’s intervention, what would a journamalist like Chris Cillizard have written about during the campaign? The poor dear would probably be living in a cardboard box, eating cold cans of purloined pork and beans.
Maybe you should just calm down, little lady, and realize that just being a U.S. Senator and a Secretary of State can’t possibly qualify a mere woman to lead this nation of ours when a perfectly good pussy-grabbing, traitorous lunatic can be had through electoral interference. So just sit back and relax, darlin’, and pop open a 6-pack of “Bitch Beer”. ( And I ain’t NEVER gonna let that motherfucker Cillizza forget the shit he pulled to get Trump elected.)


Maybe this era will end up bearing fruit and we end up a better nation for it.


I think Comey is an excitable guy who overthinks his role and always wants to be seen as noble. The GOP and the Russians exploited that tendency to bait him with the urban legend that there were 30k ‘missing’ HRC emails from her server. That scam (orchestrated by the NY FBI, Rudy Giuliani, Russian operatives, and some RW bloggers and probably additional folks) caused him to issue the 10/28 letter. Less than a week later, Comey’s investigators told him that there was nothing on the Weiner lap top except for copies of emails of HRC talking about Chelsea’s wedding prep and her favorite cat GIFs. He got embarrassed and issued the Comey III letter 2 days before the election, which, per Clinton pollsters, made things worse as they had been recovering through the course of the week/weekend with high EV turnout. There’s no way Mueller would’ve bowed to any of that bullshit were he the FBI Director.


I think you’re misinterpreting his motives. It was all about preserving his carefully cultivated reputation for iron integrity, a reputation which he had ostentatiously built over many years. When you dig into it, that desire to protect that reputation is what Chaffitz and the rogue agents in NYC who were in Giuliani’s pocket used to mousetrap him into both issuing that stupid letter, against DoJ policy, into promising to get back to Congress if anything else came up, against DoJ policy, and into writing the October Surprise letter, again against DoJ policy.

That reputation for integrity was just a form of vanity. If he’d had real integrity, he’d have taken the hit to his reputation because it was the right thing to do. But he didn’t.


This is exactly right. Spot on as usual, @ncsteve.


Either that or we’ll face a dystopian future with flooded coastlines, a barren southwest, with Phoenix and Las Vegas desiccated ghost cites, and roving bands of brigands and regional warlords battling each other for hegemony over scarce resources and a despondent, starving population.


I don’t think so. In applying Occam’s razor (the simplest solution that fits the available facts is usually correct), the simplest explanation is that Comey is a Republican and he behaved in a partisan way because that is what Republicans do.

And he continued that behavior even after Trump was elected.

Ah, yes, good old spineless Democrats.

"We’re Democrats. Therefore we need to appoint some Republicans and moderate Democrats for comity and bipartisanship. After all, it’s their country too!

“We’re Republicans. We aren’t appointing anyone who isn’t to the right of Hatch. Fuck you, losers!”

I wonder if this will play out again with the next new President?

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Hmm, well we can get a leg up on it by playing the Fallout series then.

I am not sure why I am optimistic when so much bad has gone down, but I think this is a departure point. But we need a few set backs to be humble enough to go on and be better. Like the body struggling to not toss its cookies after a night of heavy drinking and then finally giving up and spewing to get rid of what ails it, we might be in a moment like that.


Comey’s a camera-loving hack. All of his efforts to appear otherwise were jettisoned when he was called upon as a GOP hack to knife HRC.

I do hope he’s enjoying every hour of the Trump presidency he made possible. He’s a coward who couldn’t stand up under the pressure of the right wing. Scumbag.

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Ralph, please tell me you don’t write greeting cards for a living…



Except his behavior after Trump was elected is inconsistent with that theory. Making mine the one that explains all observed facts–going all the way back to the Bush Administration.


No, but I was particularly good at coming up with worst cast scenarios in Environmental Impact Statements.