Discussion: Clinton Calls Out Trump's 'Ignorant, Racist Views'

Donna Brazile couldn’t tell you this but it’s what in back of the DNC kerfuffle. HRC owned the organization. The explanation is from former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, also long time member of CA State Assembly and its Speaker for many years.

Like it or not, political parties are private businesses. The DNC was broke, and Clinton bailed it out. And like any investor in a business being saved from bankruptcy, Clinton had the right to do want she wanted to do with the operation. After all, she was paying the bills.

She not only took over the operation, she turned it into an extension of her campaign-fundraising machine, through which millions of dollars could be collected over and above the usual limits on presidential candidates. That was smart — and legal.

She did what Barack Obama should have done a long time ago — try to put the Democratic Party in a position to be of assistance to the top candidate.



Oh, is that ever funny. Shit for brains happens to be the better half’s favorite insult.

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Earlier today another user was going on about Pelosi being out of step and too old while being female. So you can understand that some of the women who post here could be feeling a little tetchy because the presumptions about their lack of political acumen as they age is beginning to wear thin. “Lousy campaign” is also tiresome.


I’ll take your point, but I’d like to see a fresh start. I hope this doesn’t damage our dialog.

Jeebus milhouse, Man Up!

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FTFY… :wink:

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Oh, you’re just a candle in the friggin’ wind. We’re so lucky these things martyr to you.


The Rs Pelosi bashing is so stale too, just pitiful.

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“Ignorant racist views.”

Spot. On.

Thank you Ms. President.

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Typical New York Liberals. They left out St Ronald

How could she lose with people like you “supporting” her?


They want 'em young and peppy and clueless. That was being heaped on Feinstein until the other day when she showed she could act like man. Or a woman with a superior brain.

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Don’t think Ronnie would have been horrified, he might have been saying in his phoney actor way, “Go git 'em, bro”, or something similar. Three of these guys are on Mt. Rushmore and to think there was talk of adding Ronnie, . . well, the mind reels.

I voted for her. I thought we could have come up with a better candidate. This has nothing to do with her gender. Why are you piling on?

Golly, such a selfless and magnanimous gift to the whole party. I can´t quite figure out, though, why HRC and DWS neglected to inform the officers of the DNC about the arrangement? Perhaps they didn´t want them feeling obligated for her generosity?

A veritable political Mother Theresa, she was. Always only thinking of others.
@tena @darcy

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So, it´s OK with you that the State Department under HRC lobbied to reduce the Haitian minimum wage to 31 cents an hour?

I find it amusing how often you reference your own “status” here. But, you knew that.


If your belief is that the candidate who won 3 million more votes than PuPPet is all these things, there’s not a word I or anyone else can to say to change your mind. D’accordo?

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Well, at least he’s in good health. DOH!

Ignorant-racist views are separate and yet parts of the same.

We could easily dwell on his ignorance for days and then move on to his white tunnel vision. It is easy to toss them together because racism is ignorance.

The vast quantity of shame foist upon this clown alone may take him down and that will pair so well with the huge financial hit he and his fellow robbers are going to take.

I guess its better to burn out than fade away.

@chelsea530 @esva

I’ve reconsidered and am not returning F and F. I’m fascinated and I’m repelled simultaneously so I’ll press on. But I will take the book jacket off ASAP and never look at it again.

Knowing some of it might come in handy in the days to come, where you’ll find a previously puzzling passage suddenly become clear.