This sexual predator is an embarrassment to the court. Unfortunately, he is now just one of two sexual predators, and just one of five embarrassments.
“Thomas is asking his first questions at Supreme Court arguments in more than three years.”
“Draft or bottle, Kav?”
He had to be mooning the Court since he can only speak out his ass.
He’ll be remembered as the most inconsequential JOTSCOTUS of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Did Clarence find something on his Coke can again?
Draft, hold the hair Dawg!
The battery operated butt plug must have slipped out…
So… four more years of winter?
Yes, unless we take opportunity cost into account.
Clarence Thomas Speaks Up At SCOTUS Arguments For First Time In 3 Years
Had I been in the room I’d have been tempted to ask him if he knows what year it is.
What difference could that make? If the defendant’s lawyer also struck jurors based on race, that’s even more reason to think it’s a bad jury. And am I wrong, but if the prosecutor got rid of all the black jurors, wouldn’t every juror the defendant’s lawyer strike be white by default?
But knowing conservative logic, any form of Reverse Racism is an automatic equivalent of White Racism, thus showing that both sides are racist and therefore the white bigots are justified. So if Black Hebrews insult Trump Supporters on the street, it means those Trump Supporters can insult anyone else with impunity because all non-white people are a single group that’s responsible for one another and white people are just fighting back.
Ha…I was going to mention this, too. A great reference for his first pubic comment in three years.
It was a horseshit question… Thomas asked a question pertaining to a sample of 1 trial versus the prosecutor being accused of a pattern of rejecting black jurors over many trials. NOT THE SAME.
Where’s Squee and PJ?
Typo, Freudian slip, or intentional? Because sometimes you can’t tell without a scorecard.
Intentional…very intentional. Psychological underwear had NOTHING to do with it.
Last thing Thomas and people like him want to see is these systemic/institutionalized problems solved. If they were, and more were to rise above and beyond the ceiling oppression erected above them, then he’d have less people to tell himself he’s superior to for having overcome it himself. Dude is a deeply narcissistic asshole.
You could picture Clarence behind the wheel of his RV that he drives every summer to tour the country. Thomas reaches for a thirst quenching Coke while musing about how clean the can is. He takes his eyes off the wheel and engages the cruise control as he argues with Gianni about the porn selection on the DVD. “Long dong!”, No Black MILF’s!"
Can I be excused to go to the bathroom?