Discussion for article #244755
I like the final quote from the hair salon owner.
It’s a strange world.
Someone oughta sell tickets.
Edit: Is he the older woman in the center or on the right?
Maude Frickert returns!
When the only reasonable response to a story is “WHY?” and “FOR WHAT?” you know somebody is going to lose his/her job.
if he had to use the facilities which door was he allowed to use while dressed?
Apparently, RI is suffering from a serious shortage of actual little old ladies. There’s no other explanation for this.
“He Scotch-taped 316 pigeons to his arms”
Most people forget that the idiot wingnuts in national office we regularly pillory start out at the local level. Everyone at the local level just prays they get promoted to higher office so they stop screwing everything up at home.
In the private sector, they call it the Hewlett Packard way… promote the incompetent out of your work unit, and I think Carly Fiorina is an exemplar.
I had images of Michael Palin in drag running through my head!
Bus driver Roberts was later oveheard telling coworkers his dreams of late were strangely centered around Nathan Lane and Tupperware.
This is nuts! Nuts!
Why is Barbara Streisand in the picture?
Republicans simply can’t do advertising without stepping on their dicks in the process:
At a senior center, no less.
It depends on which state the person concerned resides in.
Yes…but not surprising anymore.
They must be suffering from OB syndrome-------Oppressed Backbone.
Barbra. It’s a New York value.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.