Discussion for article #238872
Ah, so it’s states rights as long as it suits you.
Giuliani NY/NJ playbook. The degree to which he doesn’t get how that playbook crashes nationwide reveals just how stupid he really is.
Angry about the lack of arrests and excessive incarcerations of minority youth for petty marijuana charges, Governor Soprano promises he’ll do what he can to get those voters off the rolls.
Enforcement of the federal laws is the last thing you should be demanding, if you ask me, pal.
So, basically, he wants to waste billions of dollars going after petty criminals rather than, say, going after terrorists and…oh, right. He wants to punish the lower classes and protect the upper classes. Of course. It all makes sense. Fill those jails with lower class people so that we can continue to have a slave population in this country and the for profit prison owners can continue to get very rich.
Shorter Christie: I’m all for state’s rights when they’re used to discriminate against: __________ (blacks, homosexuals, other minority groups). I’m totally opposed to state’s rights when it’s something the republican base doesn’t support.
It’s going to be difficult to enforce anything while standing in the unemployment line.
“As of January 2017, I will enforce the federal laws.”
Somebody’s high.
Christie should go fuck himself while it’s still legal, I hear them Republicans can be tough on sexual freedom too.
Now did he really say “blunt” or is the author just way more hip to lingo than normal? I’m talkin to you Sara
The Outlaw Jersey Whale will be perp-walked
before the next presidential inauguration-- so not really an issue.
But really-- you’re going to go down the Prohibition II road?
That worked out well the first time.
Dumb^ss doesn’t quite do you justice on this one.
This is a foolish strategy. The more clear-thinking and less drugged a person is, the less likely to vote for him.
Wow, there are a lot of Republicans (Libertarian types especially) who think weed should be legal. He just alienated every one of them, along with a lot of people who don’t smoke it, but think pot should be decriminalized.
Can’t wait for that moment when the fat man sings
More “weighty” bloviations from “His Corpulency.”
I’m just waiting for the fat man’s former-lieutenants to sing.
From now on, instead of “rolling a fattie,” I’m gonna refer to it as “rolling a Christie.”