Discussion for article #232751
Time for some measels, er, quarantine problems
A voice like this?
That’s like saying 9/11 Truthers deserve a seat at the table. There’s no convincing conspiracy theorists with science or evidence. Every attempt to change their minds proves to them that you’re a part of the conspiracy.
Another republican clamoring for the chance to be the voice of the ignorant. Good job.
Can an MD or MPH please give this moron the dope-slap he so richly deserves?
One of them had a spot at the table in the debate over vaccines on The Nightly Show last week, and she used the usual run of stupid ideas that you get from anyone who basically lives to research from dubious internet sources.
I actually wish I had been there. I have a feeling she probably would not have been happy by the end of the debate.
Most anti-vaxxers are busy pushing fear of autism as their reason for not getting vaccinated. The thing is, if this was what caused autism, we would have seen a huge explosion in severe forms of autism back in the 1940’s when mass vaccinations began. But they don’t want to listen to that.
Sigh…there’s a lot I could say about this, but I need to get back to work.
From a scientific perspective …if the vast majority of people (kids and adults are vaccinated against Measles then the rare anti-vaxxer can get away with it by depending on the barrier against the virus afforded by all those surrounding immunized people. But in my view as a scientist (I was in medical teaching and research for 47 years before I retired) it is beyond stupidity to not vaccinate your kids assuming you have no mitigating circumstances. To not vaccinate is endangerment of the community.Anyone of any age can die from measles.
The Anti-Vaxxers—getting a voice in the debate:
Everyone has the freedom of their own opinion. But that does not mean that opinion is an intelligent one. My Dad used to say the Constitution gives us the protected right to be stupid. It’s my opinion (and it is based on decades of empirical evidence) that vaccination is safe and effective in reducing and eventually eliminating diseases.
No one is entitled to threaten the public health.
How would the anti Vaxxers feel about someone not getting Rabies or Distemper shots for their dog?
“First the bridges, now this shit. Can’t I just ignore work like every other Republican?”
I am one of the last persons in New York state to live in a small rural town where there was one or two kids in elementary that had polio. Polio and other diseases pretty much disappeared when I was growing up because New York state public schools were adamant about getting your shots. If you could not afford it, the school nurse would vaccinate you for free.
The first two weeks was reserved for getting your shots as well as your booster shots.
Polio, anyone?
TypicAL. THere’s TOns OF interneT evidence that THE fLU vacciNE not ONLY imPLAnts A NANO RFID chIP to TraCK your EVery movement, but IT aLSO desTROYs the GOD gene In yOUR Brain SO YOU no LONGer beLIEVE in GOD or JESUS. LOOK NO FArther thaN the MOSLEM terrorisTs THAT doesn’t get the flU SHOT. STOP the NANO braIN eatiNG FLU shOT LOBOTOMY. REFUSE the VACCINE!1!!!one!!1!!!
It’s A TRUE Fact THAT scIENTists PUT VIRUSES in Vaccines? WHy THE COverUP???
Dog groomers, at the very least, insist that dogs have all necessary vaccinations before they handle them. Irresponsible owners could ignore what’s best for the dog and themselves, but then they’d be as will fully ignorant as anti-vaxxers.
I’m old enough to remember grade school classmates in NY having to leave school because they’d come down with polio
Yep it’s a true face and there ain’t no cover up. (heh heh). Sometimes we use killed viruses, sometimes just a weakened version will do nicely. In former times they vaccinated against Smallpox by using a live version of a related virus called cowpox virus but it generally does not cause disease in humans.
But I bet the anti-vaxxers see contrails over their houses and then hide in the basement for a couple of days until the fear subsides or the beer runs out.
Both my sister and I had Polio but that was before the vaccines. That was an ugly summer I can tell you. Vacant ball fields. Kids did not congregate beyond the necessary. I was shunned to an extent when I returned to school.