Discussion: Christie Dodges On Hobby Lobby Ruling: 'Who Knows?'

Discussion for article #224551

Presidential timber on display right there!


Yup, you can tell when a politician is running for higher office - they finally shut the fuck up.


Refresh my memory—he was the blunt, outspoken one, right?


What a puss…

‘Profiles in Courage’ it ain’t…


He was the fat, blunt, abusive one who never shut up.

Now he’s doing the exact opposite of what made him a relatively successful politician.

So, you know. courage!


the media man supposedly famous for telling it like it is sure isn’t telling now


Maybe he is an early Republican to sense at some level that there will be unintended consequences of this decision that isn’t going to sit well with the business community. The American people are going to start asking louder questions about the purpose of corporations. If corporations are being treated as if they are citizens, then there are responsibilities of citizenship that need to be considered, and not just benefits.


“live with it unless you can get the legislative body to change the law or change the Constitution” He is lying. In New Jersey he deploys a different tactic: alter the make-up of the court by denying tenure to a well-respected jurist, and attacking the judiciary generally:

NJ’s judiciary needs reform, bar association task force is told - See more at: http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-s-judiciary-needs-reform-bar-association-task-force-is-told-1.839452#sthash.5oiCJMva.dpuf


Nation on Chris Christie: Who cares?


Krispy Kreme’s share price has dropped in the last three months.

So, probably them, at least.

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The guy’s got to make it through a GOPer primary after all.

Big Pussy … not just a clever nickname is it?

Seems to me he’s pretty consistent:

Shorter Christie::

Traffic Jam? What Traffic Jam? It’s a done deal now so why should any one care?

Your womb is belong to them? Well, that’s a done deal to so why should I care?

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Is it better to be respected than loved? Who knows?

And Chris Christie’s opinion is important because… ???


Very Serious People think he’s a Very Serious Candidate.

Basically, he’s a swarthy Rmoney.

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A liar, a cheat, a crook and a coward. Go, Chris, Go! The GOP will NEVER, EVER nominate you to be President. The dream is dead, hire some more lawyers to keep your fat ass out of jail!

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Chicken shit! Um, er, obese chicken shit!