Way to go Christie!!!
Considering how certain people spun around the “Bridge Scandal BS”, not giving them additional words so that they can twist them in a pretzel was the right thing to do.
Way to go Christie!!!
Considering how certain people spun around the “Bridge Scandal BS”, not giving them additional words so that they can twist them in a pretzel was the right thing to do.
I was going to say that was one fine Romney imitation he did there.
I think you could be right. He is waiting to see which way the wind blows in terms of general public and business responses. Maybe that’s a good sign that there will be serious backlash to this decision.
I am sure he would give the same answer if asked whether Roe v. Wade was correctly decided, or heck maybe even Plessy
The HL ruling isn’t supposed to make legal sense, that’s the appropriate answer.
It is designed to hopefully hurt Obamacare all that it can in a righteous religious way and to hand more freedom to corporations at our expense. A true legal masterpiece IOW.
I believe Democrats raised a million dollars yesterday alone. I know I gave to the party and to Planned Parenthood (some big money donor was matching all gifts yesterday). As much as I hated, hated, hated this decision, I can’t help but acknowledge that it’s probably very good for the party because it strikes at the number one most targeted voter in 2014-Single women. When folks start pointing out how many of these companies cover Viagra and vasectomies, I suspect there will be much more outrage. When Republicans are being forced to talk about sex, birth control, or abortion they’re almost always talking about a losing issue. I think Christie is one of the few Republicans smart enough to know that.
That’s right! He’ll be the ultimate GOP candidate! He’ll say nothing whatsoever for the next 26 months!
Yeah and the Transit Authority BS? Can’t wait for the indictments.
Yup…Christie is a natural born leader…NOT! What a girly man.
What is N.J. thinking. I wouldn’t elect him to lead a girl scout troop…besides, he’d eat all the cookies and bully all the little girls.
It ain’t going away;
The guy who supposedly knows everything about everything now is confused about a SCOTUS ruling.
Does anyone believe this guy - really?
That answer won’t fly in a Republican primary governor.
The answer is for him to just dodge the birth control question all together and simply say that he is pro-life.
Errr…he is pro-life isn’t he??? If not, then say what you want, Governor, because a pro-choice governor doesn’t have a snowball’s chance of winning the Republican nomination anyway.
Girly man? He acts like a woman? What?
“The point is: Why should I give an opinion as to whether they were right or wrong?”
If you have to ask…
What Chris Christie actually said during the practice session with new staff aides before he responded to a reporter’s question: “Hobby lobby? Fobby wobby? Nobby mobby. Yobby jobby, gobby robby. Sobby zobby. Pr’obby.” During this practice run, his gestures somehow resulted in his continually slapping himself but no one dared to smile.
I’ve heard he’s a Dodger fan.
Off subject I know, but did the taxpayers end up footing the bill for Christie’s obesity operation? Or did he pay for it out of the kickback money he extorted from Democratic mayors in NJ?
Such a jumbled, defused decision is going to cause trouble for businesses and everyone else. The Court didn’t define what a religious corporation is, if its status changes with ownership or a merger and whether all such for-profit religious entities, large or small, could be included in the ruling.
I could see the Koch Brothers jumping on this band wagon easily with every other multinational looking for a loophole to suspend a variety of employee benefits using some obscure verse from a prayer book or hieroglyphic written thousands of years ago in another language that doesn’t translate well today.
What if the heirs to Hobby Lobby are atheists? Does the company have to provide birth control coverage then? Is atheism considered a religion?
Can Jewish corporate citizens discriminate against employees who eat pork refusing to cover conditions like heart disease that are caused (or maybe not) by eating such fatty forbidden meats? Must every employee be baptized in the exact same religion as the owner or forfeit coverage for such things as circumcision of their children?
Once defined by government as a religious corporate citizen could these entities also file for tax exemption?
The court system is already backed up with all kinds of nuisance litigation filed just to starve off plaintiffs. And there are not enough judges to hear cases because the GOP will not ratify any of President Obama’s nominees.
This is the worst decision yet in a long line of piss pee conservative Roberts SCourt decisions. It doesn’t settle anything. It opens up so much doubt and confusion for both employees and businesses that everyone will be in litigation all of the time.
Alito has now given religion a bad connotation and completely made a fool of himself.
That photo is pure NJ, where I lived for 25 years, hated every minute of it.
He’s what Italians call a “gavone” [cafone], a loud-mouthed lout and buffoon.
Yep, pure presidential material.
I think that should be TPM’s stock photo of him because of the word that it looks like is about to come out of his stupid mouth. Starts with an f. (I guess an attempt to italicize something puts those asterisks around it. Strange.)