Discussion: Christie Defends Maine Gov. LePage: 'He's A Good Man And He's Apologized'

Discussion for article #244488

These two peas make for one hell of an overstuffed pod.


Christie reads old headlines - and immediately complies -



“Everyone of us — me and everybody else who’s in public life — says things at times they wish they could take back.” (Gov. Chris Christie)

That’s true of all of us – but Le Page is pretty much the equivalent of Donald Trump in this department … has no filter, none whatsoever and states some of the most insanely, batshitty and lying racist garbage anyone has ever heard, not to mention how highly he thinks of the poor and working class. He makes these remarks pretty much weekly – so, no, he’s not at all like the rest of us who say something we regret every once in a blue moon. For Le Page, the moon is always blue. So, if you want to lump yourself in with his class, you go right ahead, Guv.


LePage is a disaster and a moron who should be kicked out of office…but he’s a Republican so no Republican in national politics would dare say anything bad about him.


Apparently the people of Maine loved him so much they re-elected him, despite all his shenanigans. They share an equal part of the blame for this debacle.


Chrispie really wants to show some strength in NH so he hopes by licking LeRages ass he will get the votes of serial killers living on the border with Maine. The best thing about Chrispie is we get to watch him die politically a not just once but many times.


“We’re just two lost turds swimming in a punch bowl…”

– with apologies to Pink Floyd


I don’t recall any apology. I heard the press attacked/blamed. I heard he might have misspoke.

But an apology? Nope.


At what point is what you say more important than the apology that follows? We seem have to gotten to a point where a politician can say the most heinous, bigoted, inflammatory, untruthful thing so long as he’s willing to apologize in short order, “Never mind”.

And of course you could say the Earth was flat, and when called on your idiocy, make it clear the media was misrepresenting what you said. Or your opponents were trying to distract from your message. Or a great many scientists agreed with you.

Flat is the new spherical.


Up yours, you bullying bastard. Paul “Shifty” Lepage didn’t apologize for shit, and he doesn’t intend to. To him and his neanderthal GOP supporters, racism isn’t a bug, it’s feature.

The GOP circle jerk is so tightly gripped that even overt racism like this won’t do any any damage. Reasonableness is a thing of the past.


When is Christie going to apologize for BridgeGate? Thought we had forgotten?


The Ebola Boys - together again and still hysterical.


Thank you! The man did not apologize for blowing such a racist dog whistle – he just stated that he never “specified race.”


When combined with, “Umm I might have misspoken”, attacking those who report facts is apologizing in GOPSpeak .


I don’t know how they can keep up – their language (GOPSpeak) keeps on shifty-ing.

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Chris has a vastly different definition of “a good man” then I. Then again why should I be surprised it is the it is the no where close to good man Chris Christie saying it.

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GOPSpeak is based on Through the Looking Glass:

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

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In reality, I believe, the apology has been written the same time the original comment. Distributed at the same time with instructions to release xx number of hours later.

“… year after year.”

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