Discussion: Christie Admits He Didn't Actually Instruct His Own State To Block Syrian Refugees

Discussion for article #244030

Rino. Needs to be primaried obviously. Completely in the thrall of the Obama admin.


He’s an idiot and he will never be President.

Let the court system and the voters of New Jersey deal with him.


Posturing bullying bloviating blowhard. He sucks.


Hey Christie, stop it with the sternly worded letters. That’s our schtick.


Sounds like we finally got Stay Puft to admit that the Federal overrides the State.

Maybe he can talk to some dumbass southern rednecks about that.


Perhaps Harry Reid will sue for some sort of infringement?

From the home folks:

"Gov. Christie would have been a big winner if he’d stopped right there. But, alas, he didn’t. He’s a tough guy, Christie is; just ask him, he’ll tell you. So to further that macho reputation he went on in the debate to describe how he’d deal with recalcitrant Middle East allies who didn’t pull their share of the anti-ISIS load.

He would, said Gov. Christie, by now in full rhetorical flight, “stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, and say to him you have a friend, Sir, who will stand with you in this fight.” The idea here is that he’d be different than that bloke in the White House who struck a nuclear deal with Shiite Iran, the mortal of Jordan’s Sunni Muslims.

Only one trouble with that and a big one – Hussein’s been dead these 16 years. His son, Abdullah, has been king for some time now.

Gov. Christie’s a man of much resourcefulness but he’d have to find a master medium capable of conducting a full court séance to conjure up a tête-à-tête with Hussein. But who knows? If the Port Authority can conjure up a traffic jam on demand maybe it can pull off something with Hussein."


Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie conceded Friday that he didn’t formally instruct his state to refuse Syrian refugees even though he had written President Obama last month saying he would.

His answer is a non sequitur. He specifically wrote to the President that he was “formally instructing his state to refuse Syrian refugees”…and he didn’t. End of story.


Thanks for the link, very informative about a guy who should probably admit he doesn’t actually direct anything in NJ anymore. However, Christie may overtake Jeb!? and be in fourth place before too long, a hollow victory if there ever was one

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Just another example of Republican leadership – and Christie has the brass to criticize Obama’s and Hillary’s leadership. What an absolute bullying phony!


So Governor Weeble told a lie.

                        This is my shocked face.
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Wait, Christie lied about something? Next you’ll be telling us that cramming seventeen chocolate eclairs into your mouth daily doesn’t make you fat.

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No, asshole – this is not about President Obama and what a big bad man he is. This is about you not doing what you swore you would do. I send letters all the time – they mean nothing if I don’t address them to the right person along with stating specifically what I’m telling them to do. Not what “I want” – but what I am directing them to do. Not even a nice try, Guv.


Could we make one of those eclairs a Napoleon not only because they’re delicious but because. . . well, you know why.


No sir!
Never. Done. A. F^cking. Thing. Evah.

He should be canonized.
A regular saint that Chris Christie.



Just returned home from a pleasant dinner.
Now? I want dessert.
Gee, thanks lgb. :yum:


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One man’s problem (states can’t override federal government) is another man’s solution.

But hey, Gov. Donut, how’d you miss the chance to work “feckless” into that interview? I’m sure your focus groups have told you that your base really loves the naughty tingle they get when you call President Obama “feckless.”


He should also admit who robbed that Krispie Kreme off exit 17 on the Jersey Turnpike. Just saying.


I guess he’s out of fecks to give.