Discussion: Chris Hayes Tears Into Fox News Claims Of Misandry In Movie Industry

Discussion for article #232934

FRozeN maKES men GAY faGS. DOnā€™t WAtch UNLEss YOU want TO FALL in LOVe wiTH DISco BALLS and MANSCAPing!1!1!1!one!1!1!!!


Chris Hayes could tell me that I won the lottery and Iā€™d still get annoyed by his awful little smug face, drowsy eyes, and nasal delivery. He looks like someoneā€™s failed attempt to genetically engineer a male Rachel Maddow.


HowdyDoocey hosting the MikeHuck-a-Buckā€™s vacant spot

'Men Whining
In Search of the Family Jewels
(if they remember to ask their women if itā€™s OK to remove them from her talons).


Fantasizing much are we?


If only there was a movie that depicted white, heterosexual males as strong & smart the world would be a better place. /sarcasm off.


Sorry, I love him. Smart, funny, terrific interviewer, scrupulously accurate ā€“ heā€™s a must-watch as far as Iā€™m concerned. (And ā€œnasal deliveryā€? Sure weā€™re even talking about the same guy?)


Iā€™m sorry you love him too.

I am pretty sure that heā€™s just a character John Hodgman is playing for an extremely long performance art piece.

Thereā€™s so much to mock Fox News with. But thereā€™s even more to despise them for. In this case Fox is fearful of a damned cartoon (shakes head).

FEAR, FIRE MURDER (run around in circles waving oneā€™s arms wildly)!!!
That is the intent of this so called ā€œfair and balancedā€ network. They donā€™t apologize for their lies, their fear mongering and all the rest but they should. They should have the good sense to spend months cataloging their screw ups and then go off the air.


Chris Hayes is amazing, a true journalist, with REAL facts.


To each his own ā€“ though I can understand how he wouldnā€™t meet your high bar for sophisticated wit (that ā€œsorryā€ gagā€™s a classic). Seriously, I donā€™t see how you get that image from him; but hey, youā€™re entitled to your completely erroneous opinion. ;D


I donā€™t know if Hayes is really as good as he seems or if he is just great when compared to the rest of the ā€œjournalistsā€ on cable.

I find Chris Hayesā€™ reporting to be equal to or better than Rachel Maddow, who I love. Both are heads above the rest of the MSNBC lineup and the MSNBC lineup in general is heads above CNN. We only talk about Fox to mock them.


Agree completely (with the caveat that weā€™re not including MSNBCā€™s early-weekday programming). I think Hayes really is that good; and while I truly adore Rachel, if I could watch only one itā€™d make me sad, but itā€™d be Chris.


Though this is CWA. Harry Potter is evil and no sex ed is the best sex ed. Iā€™m sure they are still suffering because of Janet Jacksonā€™s wardrobe malfunction, the worst thing to ever befall America.

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Iā€™m with you ā€¦ Chris keeps getting better and better. Heā€™s also one to have crazy guests, like the KKK guy, and put them through their paces in a mostly congenial way, but busts them on the racism, lies, myths, etc.

I originally wished his spot was given to Ezra Klein, but that wish is but a memory ā€¦ Hayes, Maddow, Oā€™Donnell ā€¦ what a line-up!


Do you even know what a ā€œnasal deliveryā€ sounds like? Chris Hayesā€™ voice isnā€™t it. ā€œLittle smug faceā€? Pretty clear you donā€™t like his looks or voice so why do you watch him?


Steve Douchey and the rest of the Fux KKKlan do exactly what Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes tell them to.

Weā€™ve had some wicked cold spells here in WI so Iā€™ve had the opportunity to work from home on occasion and tune into MSNBCā€™s daytime line up. Love Joy Reid, Alex Wagner, Tamron Hall, and Jose Diaz Balart but the guy whose impressed me lately is Ronan Farrow. I thought he was hired as a young ā€˜pretty faceā€™ to try to pull in some youth demographic, but heā€™s gotten comfortable in his role and comes across as an interesting and intelligent young man.

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And men donā€™t nearly get paid as much as women, either!


I realize you have a parody account, but the word ā€œfagā€ is equivalent to words like ā€œkikeā€ or ā€œniggerā€. I doubt you would use words like that, so you should eradicate the other term from use as well.

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