Discussion: Chris Hayes Tears Into Fox News Claims Of Misandry In Movie Industry

Hmm, I tuned into Farrow when he started and just couldn’t take him; I guess I should give him another shot. Rarely watch in the morning, but I second your opinion of Reid and Wagner (I like to consider myself a charter member of the Joy Reid Fan Club – wanted her to get her own show from the first time I saw her as a guest).

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I love him too! He’s a cutie, and so smart. Not enough guys like him, for sure.

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Slow news cycle? Stupid commentators taking up airwaves.

I can’t watch the clip right now, but was the comment about “the sequel” to Frozen being the issue correct? Because if so, there isn’t one. And Doocey is dumber than I thought. Which is implausible.

Definitely give him another chance. And check out his bio on Wikipedia … quite the resume for someone so young.

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Oh, that I knew – almost preposterously credentialed. Genuinely impressive.

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“Concerned Women for America” – Phyllis Schlafly’s group. What a surprise. They would more aptly be named “Women Who Hate Women.”


I disagree with your equivalence. Many in the gay community refer to themselves and each other as fags. And I have many close friends in the gay community that have referred to me as a fag. But thanks. You are pillar of the PC community, pearl-clutching Mario.

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Chris Hayes is an actual journalist; Rachel Maddow has a doctorate in public policy. It’s no wonder they stand head and shoulders above the others.

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Not one yet, but there is apparently one in the works – not a full length feature, but a just a short film. Here is what the other article here on this subject said:

Doocy specifically fretted that “Frozen Fever,” the upcoming sequel to Disney’s 2013 animated hit “Frozen,” would “depict men as evil and cold and bumblers.”

Not sure why Doocy would have any specific knowledge of what is in that film, though. I suspect he is just making it up – which would be nothing new.

Short article about the sequel here, with some still pictures.

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There’s a similar argument to what you just used for using the word “nigger”. For example: may in the black community refer to themselves as niggers. And I have close friends in the black community that have referred to me as a nigger. Like I said, I doubt your persona would use that word as freely as you used the word “fag”, which is also a historically degrading and hateful word.

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Okay, back to misandry…

Roger, How about a segment with Doocy called Victim to Victim. Run it by Rupert.

You’re mean, nipples can kill. Magic is never good, I’ll be hiding under my bed now. It’s a “sleeping only” platform.
I do not wish to be educated or enjoy anything…

Howdy Doocy

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We don’t need Hollywood to remind us of our superfluous, stupid and bumbling nature when we have Steve Doocy. I think I can speak for Doocys everywhere who think it totally unfair to men that the next president may not be one after only all of the first 44 were, 43 of whom were also white.

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I like them both, but it is no slight to Chris that I like Rachel best. Her reporting both in detail and fairness to me is unequalled, and she articulates very powerfully.

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depicts men as “evil and cold and bumblers”
Okay now that’s really funny. Every time these guys on fix open their mouths they depict males (they are far from being “men”) as cold evil bumblers. Correction just looking at his picture gives that impression but that could be just me.

Historically means being tired, a bundle of sticks or a cigarette. One thing I notice is you really like using that word.

Maybe Disney does hate men, didn’t they recently make a movie about sleeping beauty from the point of view of the witch Malificent painting the king as some sort of opportunistic rapist? :wink:

Words from a downer and why are you watching him?

This is a sock talking, no doubt.

Doocy is a senior citizen and he’s still watching Disney’s children flicks, then picking them apart for not being more mature and adultish. Doh!
Basically the Douche is admitting that he’s childish, and he’s a goober- just watch him, but he’s blaming cartoons.
Is Rambo too scary and new for him? How about the Die Hard series and Rocky?
Methinks Douchy smokes pot and zones out to Disney because he doesn’t understand the Simpsons or South Park and when he comes down he’s sad.
Even worse, he takes his nerdiness to work for all to see.

Faux, now loaded with extra ineptitude to balance the fear!