Discussion: Charlie Gasparino: The 'Looney Left' Is 'More Insane' Than The Tea Party

Discussion for article #232516

I didn’t like the movie because it was simplistic and stupid, not because I’m “looney left.”


The Looney Left may be more insane than the Tea Party, but there are no members of the Looney Left in positions of national party leadership, serving in the House or Senate, or sitting on the Supreme Court.

That’s the difference. Both sides have nutcases, but the right puts them in power and the left doesn’t.


Your envy of people who possess more than a brain stem is understandable. We expect that from children.


you want to know what is “loony”? Wishing for America to fail because your guy didn’t win the election. Peddling a psychotic, obsessive hatred of the president simply because you wanted the other guy to win the election. Finding a way to connect every single bad thing that happens in the country and in the world to the president, and blowing off every good thing that happens in the country and in the world as having nothing whatsoever to do with the president. Being pissed off that Obama was the president that got Osama bin Laden, rather than rejoicing that the mastermind of 9/11 has finally met his end.


I guess speaking to an empty chair and producing a war movie have something in common.


This guy is an over-inflated gasbag. Didn’t he used to be on another channel?? Hate for someone to accidentally light a flame next to him…He might explode.

Added: They don’t call him GASparino for nothin’…


I just sat through this video just to see what CBS was so interested in not showing in their Steve Kingpalooza coverage this morning so I’m unclear on Gasparino’s “looney” parameters…


I. Just. Can’t. Go. There.
My apologies. I’ll take your word for it.


Dean doesn’t have it quite correct. People are flocking to the movie alright, but only to look for the WMDs.


In a way he has a point. When stuff like this comes out it usually is Liberals that rush to condemn it rather than shut their mouths. What did Moore achieve? Other than giving the GOP’ers a bunch of good “Liberals hate America” talking points.

I don’t think Liberals hate America but their willingness to dwell on its faults is at times a bit much. Stop it. The movies seems to be popular so let it be. Sure it’s probably campy stuff…far fetched and bearing little resemblance to the truth but that doesn’t have to force a comment out of us… Just STFU and let it go.


Totally understand your reservations…I spent the day undergoing major dental work and so felt I was loopy enough to watch John McCain’s 2008 vice presidential selection and the only woman to address Steve King’s Iowa Freedom Something Or Other.
My concern, why did CBS fail to include Ms. Palin in their smug report this morning? Perhaps she makes the other clowns appear even more clownish? But, is that a call for CBS to make? She’s a major Republican, King gave her a glowing introduction and she got a good reception from the crowd…
That she made little to no sense is America’s call not CBS.


I sometimes wish the ‘looney left’ was in power. The ‘looney left’ is only ‘looney’ to those on the far far far right.


Does he mean some of the PETA people or something? I feel anybody crazy on the left gets ignored. The Tea Party takes part in actively controlling the GOP! They found a clever way to do it with primaries, but they are far more dangerous in their insanity is taken as a serious position. The media fears being called liberal to much.


Yes, the “looney” left is in fact more insane than the tea party. Difference? The “loonies” make up a very small fraction of the left, a TINY fraction. The tea party actually not only makes up a large portion of the right, but they have substantial Congressional representation. Any reason why he left that part out?


Damn, I just posted a similar post before I read through the comments, but you are spot on. I definitely don’t want the “loonies” from the left in power, but I too am puzzled why the loonies on the Right have House, Senate and SCOTUS representation.


Sometimes I like Michael Moore and sometimes he’s a fucking idiot. “Bowling For Columbine” was a thought-provoking critique of America’s gun culture that avoided well-worn party line prescriptions on both sides. (Though the Charlton Heston stunt at the end was unnecessary). “Sicko” was a mess, particularly that business with praising Cuba’s comprehensive health care system. (Yeah thanks Michael, for making it very easy for American demagogues to connect single-payer health care with totalitarianism!) Calling military snipers ‘cowards’? Fuck off, Michael, that’s just stupid and shows how little you know about the military. And now he’s getting into a pissing match with Sarah Palin, shit Michael why don’t you just write her a personal check. Oh and let’s not forget his championing Ralph Nader in 2000. Gee, maybe there WAS more than a dime’s worth of difference between Bush and Gore.


Should we really care what Charlie Gasparino belches out about political matters?

In his own area of self-professed expertise, he’s considered a buffoon and his observations are widely cited as punchlines.



anybody who talks about the “loony” left ought to be asked to name names and what exactly makes them loony. It’s pretty easy to name the loony right and what makes them loony. The “loony left”? Uh, maybe Michael Moore is one, he’s pretty far to the left and I’ve heard him say some things that are not in touch with reality. Who else? If you think Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid are part of the ‘loony left’, then you are probably watching too much Fox News.


I disagree. Some of the comments I’ve seen here from some of the ReaLiberals are just as batshit and unhinged as anything from the far right. It’s just that you CAN be far left and have brilliant ideas for the country. You can’t be far right and brilliant, the two ideas are mutually exclusive.