Discussion for article #244441
Didn’t the Beatles once sing about “Money can’t buy me love?”
I don’t even care if this is mere whining, or half-smart disingenuousness.
Equally sweet. What’s a poor billionaire sociopathic oligarch to do when he can’t buy the elections he wants to?
Getting this gang focused on your list, any list, is going to be like getting sparrows focused on financial news.
Pointing out that there are some 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, he asked, what “are we going to do: go bomb each one of them?
Trump: That’s an interesting idea. I will do this on day 1 after I get wind mills removed from vicinity of my golf course.
You picked the wrong party to fund…duh
But he bought and paid for Citizens United and now he can’t buy a candidate since they have all already been bought.
In other words, the Koches have found none of the morons in the Republican field a controllable moron.
Awwwhhhh! Poor babies!
It is odd that the recent SC ruling on cash donations was categorically misjudged by virtually all the pundits. In essence, the rulings were alleged to strengthen the Republican party where more cash equals a stronger candidacy. However, instead it has resulted in the proliferation of candidates, few of whom have dropped out so far simply because the cash keeps coming in. Better, those that do drop out will generally not share campaign cash with other Pubbies, instead keeping it for future runs. Ultimately, this diffusion of cash IMO has hurt their cause.
A maxim of war is consolidation of striking power into a solid fist that punches through enemy lines. Splitting forces usually results in defeat as those weakened and spread-out forces can be more easily stopped. This is exactly what is now happening now with too many discordant voices striking our in too many directions, diffusing the effectiveness of the Republcian “message”.
Thank the Lord they don’t know this!
I do take this was a little grain of salt. However, when you know the Kochs are not going to switch teams and back Hillary, there really isn’t’ a lot of reason to negotiate, at least not now.
Now the focus is winning the primaries and for the GOP that apparently means being very crazy. Get the nomination and then talk to the Kochs. They’re not going anywhere. .
Yes they did but for the whining Charles Koch I prefer Hello Goodbye.
HAHA! Eat Shit, Kock brothers!
“It is hard for me to get a high level of enthusiasm because the things I’m passionate about and I think this country urgently needs aren’t being addressed,” he said.
Says the clueless bastard, without a hint of irony–
who assisted greatly in regressing things to this point.
Thanks Kochs!
He is actually pissed that his buying of candidates cant withstand a realty TV star, spoiling his hard fought unlimited money strategy.
It’s tough being a shadowy billionaire puppet master these days.
This article put a smile on my face. He seems to be genuinely stunned that his money can’t get him what he wants!
In fact, I will go as far as saying that when it’s known that he and his brother, or Adelson, support a candidate, it’s to that candidate’s detriment. They come off looking like puppets. So, this Citizens United that they fought so hard for, may prove to be a detriment to their cause, after all. And I stress “MAY prove”.
Hey, at least he can take solace from the fact that it’s all going according to plan in Michigan and Wisconsin, anyway.
Butt-Hurt Billionaires, where’s Frank Kappa?
How much money did he waste on Walker’s failed attempt? For a “brilliant” businessman, he’s not exactly getting much return on his investments.
“In other words, the Koches have found none of the morons in the Republican field a controllable moron.”
Reminds me of …