Trumpist Chief of Police encounters a prosecutor who can’t be bothered with this kind of petty crap.
Another cheap stunt by Trumpistas and 3 … 2 … 1 … FAIL!
Anybody want to bet the cops asked for her autograph?
My thought exactly. There was no upside for the prosecutor in this case. He was going to lose and he knew it. The Trump supporting chief of police got his moment in the sun. Nothing more to see here. Move along.
I think they only arrested her to get the “booking photo.”
"The police department “engages in these operations routinely,”
that strip club is like the cops’ second home…
Can’t touch this…
Or something to that effect…
charged with letting patrons touch her in violation of a state law.
IMHO, there needs to be exceptions in the law for high-fives and terrorist-fist-bumps.
Ummmm, what am I missing here?
Are you quite certain that Chief Kimberley Jacobs is a Trumpist? I can’t find any records where she has supported him in any capacity.
I’m moving to Columbus, Ohio, as there’s obviously no serious crimes in the area. All the other cops must be on jaywalking patrol.
I was just guessing. Why else would the local police trot out a never-before-used statute to go after someone who just happens to be a thorn in Trump’s side?
The arrest served its purpose for the GOPeers. All people will remember is that Stormy was arrested not that the charges were bull sh*t.
Vice squad guys doing the usual.
Probably the only mug shot in history that was a group photo.
Patrolling for Pee Wee’s wee-wee.
It’s a fairly safe bet:
“…prohibiting dancers from touching customers and customers touching dancers — excluding immediate family members.”
This is Ohio, so the last bit is known as the Daddy Clause.
probably 30-40% of the clientele is cops “working” undercover on the city payroll spending their expense accounts on table dances.
if the city budget gets cut Sirens maybe out of business.
And the part where they have to be of sound mind is known as the Sanity Clause.
You don’t fool me…
That’s what I love about the commentariat at TPM. No matter how obscure the allusion, someone will get it.