Discussion: Charges Dropped Against Stormy Daniels After Ohio Strip Club Arrest

Is it? To me the article indicates that the opposite is true:

In separate interviews, Ginther and Pettus, to whom Jacobs reports, expressed confidence in the chief’s ability to lead. “Being a police chief in a big city in America today is probably one of the most challenging roles in the community,” Ginther said.

While city leaders express support of Jacobs, members of the local police union, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 9 (FOP), have been publicly critical of Jacobs’ bosses, going so far as to cast a no-confidence vote against Ginther, Pettus and City Council President Zach Klein in August.

It was the Fraternal Order of Police, who are on record criticizing supporters of the chief, who endorsed Donald Trump.

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Columbus police said Thursday that Daniels’ arrest was part of a long-term human trafficking investigation of illegal activity at city adult clubs. They say they’ve made numerous arrests under the law regarding illegal sexually oriented activity in a sexually oriented business, but did not immediately provide a number.

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You would have to ask her ‘wife’

I’m not sure if she is married to her long time partner.

Yeah, on another site I said it might have been some Republican cops who pushed this instead of our CDP chief

And almost all the elected officials are Democrats in Columbus.

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ha ha–thanks for doing it so I didn’t have to!

So what? Who didn’t know that she’s a porn star? This won’t change anyone’s mind or have any effect on public opinion except, perhaps, to bring some sympathy for Ms. Daniels since it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s heard anything about this that she was just being harassed.