Uh, Jason–I tried a variation of this strategery on most of the girls in eighth grade and I didn’t have much luck with it. Try something else.
He shared them with others. Even if they have now been destroyed pretty sure that the standard practice memos that he wrote have been seen.
Friendly warning, Jason - you can get a hernia twisting yourself around like that. Good luck at FOX News and with the governorship of Utah - hope the Utah voters have the ability to see through to your heart - your slimy little heart.
James Comey vs. Jason Chaffetz are in a fight over the existence of substantive evidence? Are there bookies taking bets on this?
They’ve been entered into the FBI’s secure system. Along with any memos he wrote about you, asshole.
The GOOPER propaganda machine is in full tilt. When the memos show up, they will then be questioned as “faked after the fact.” Then, when there is sufficient evidence to show that the memos are, in fact, contemporary to events described, the next step will be to declare the contents faked as a part of a concerted pre-planned effort to slime poor Drumpfie.
Well, either that, or Comey possesses a time machine to go back and forth.
Dog, these people make me ill.
Well, Chaffetz is sounding all “Chaffetzy” again.
a lot of flailing
And who was crying, just yesterday, that he doesn’t have Comey’s new phone number??? (eye roll) Good God, man, is that foot infected?
“Why do you question that?” Stephanopoulos asked.“Well, nobody’s seen them,” Chaffetz said. “Even the reporter that did the story hasn’t seen them. Nobody I know of, even the reporter, has not [sic] actually seen these documents.”
Says the guy who believes in angels.
Take 1: He’s leaving congress so he is free to do the right thing instead of shill for team trump.
Take 2: He is going to Fox News. His job offer is contingent on his using his remaining time in office to shill for team trump.
This a$$hole can’t go off to his own planet soon enough.
By “again” are you implying that he ever stopped?
…his last words echoing as he slides down the Sarah Palin memory hole.
Isn’t the expression “don’t lie faster than your angels can fly?”
Gosh Jason is your FOX gig on the line? Did they tell you that it was a little too STRONG to vow to use your PEN??? I guess all the times Comey told you about ongoing investigations you just thought he was KIDDING. You really don’t get this integrity and democracy thing do you?
They’ll give 50:1 he converts to Islam.
He was probably lighting a fire as he said that.
And flying fish.
Why would the man insisting on live, public testimony fork over anything to a cherry-picking leaker like Jason?