Discussion: Chaffetz: I Like A Lot Of What Trump Says, Except His 'Over-The-Top' Ideas

Discussion for article #244162

Gotta love this numbskull when he says Trump will blow through the red tape. Meaning
overcoming even Republican senators and representatives to get things done often without their votes or approval.

Oh, wait! Isnā€™t that exactly what President Obama does now with executive orders, used so far the least of any modern president, that skirt the extreme right-wing opposition to virtually all he stands for? Gee, what oh what could be the difference?

Ah, thatā€™s it. Heā€™s a Democrat!

Chaffetz has always struck me as a goofy-looking sycophant of any wild-eyed Republican idea that is anti-woman, anti-Democrat, anti anything that the main stream population is for. In a sense, heā€™s anti-American but I guess that comes from his weird religious affiliation, living in the strange world of Mormonism, and odd views on almost everything.



Chaffetz is just like Trump!

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I think Chaffetz is pretty on target here. In fact, I agree with a lot of what Chaffetz says, except for all the totally bizarre and hypocritical ideas, like questioning Planned Parenthood head Cecelia Richards with a chart with absurd data provided by an anti-abortion group. Except for that, and all of his other wacky ideas, I agree with him.


Well, itā€™s like Putin, if not for the whole killing journalists, jailing/torturing your opposition & critics, heā€™s got some damn good ideasā€¦ (/sarcasm off, because of Poeā€™s Law)


You know who else had a lot of great ideas except for the over-the-top ones??? HITLER!!!111!!!eleven!!


Ah, Lā€™il Jason is yet another apparatchik in the Republican Party. He always puts the Party first just like every other Party member. And when Trump is nominated, Lā€™il Jason will gladly get in line behind Comrade Trump.

More proof that there is no difference between American Republicans and Soviet Communists!


Iā€™d add ā€“ 'and opportunistic weasel '-- to your statement above and call it a wrap.



you should apologize to the next weasel you see- - - even rodents have some scruples!

over the top = my cup runneth over

Iā€™ve witnessed this type of talk-- in reality.
From my better-halfā€™s best friendā€™s oma (colloquial German for Grandma)-- who was a teen growing-up in Germany in the 1930s-- and lived through WWII there.

At a Christmas party in the mid-90s-- I was sitting with ā€˜Little Omaā€™ who had had her annual limit of nog-- and she began a short story with:

You know? Dat Hitler-guy?
He vas OK you know-- until he shtarted doink dose crasy tingsā€¦

Hindsight isnā€™t always 20/20.



For the record, weasels are not rodents. They eat rodents. Chaffetz should apologize to a rat.


Iā€™ll take ā€˜Verminā€™ for $200 Alexā€¦


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OK For $200: Fascists who call themselves the Party of Lincoln.



ā€œThey want somebody whoā€™s gonna blow through the red tapeā€

Itā€™s like nobody paid any attention during 6th grade civicsā€¦


Brings to mind the classic ā€œ2000 year old man at the Cannes Film Festivalā€ album. They did a bit in which Mel Brooks was the famous German film director, Adolph Hartler, who kept saying ā€œHeil Hartler, how are youā€. Asked about the SS tatooed on his arm, Hartler paused and asserted he had been captain of his Simon Says team. Eventually, Reiner asked Hartler what he thought about Hitler. Hartler said ā€œHitler made many mistakes. Losing za var, zat vas a big mistake.ā€


Well said. I always thought about him as a totally negative force in Congress and you have expressed my very viewpoints. He is disgusting as a congressman and needs to be voted out next time around.


What I like about Hitlerā€¦

  • The VW (I have owned the same one since 2001)

  • The Autobahn (I wish I had a nickel for each time I was on it in the 1950s and 1960s)

  • Art (my best childhood buddy was a helluva cartoonist)

ā€œOther than thatā€¦he did some bad thingsā€ (right, Chaffetz?)


If guys like Chaffetz keep up this ā€œoff-scriptā€ praise, Trump WILL be the nominee.