It’s kind of hilarious how batsh*t crazy GOPers are getting over this one.
Reactions as captured from comments in other sites:
How dare he deny service to Trump?
Isn’t that illegal?
Would he turn him away if he were gay?
I will never go to one of his restaurants again, and I thought his rosemary fries sucked!!
First, he clearly stated it’s not due to politics, it’s because TRUMP CREEPS HIM OUT. That sounds pretty legit to me. And most of the World population agrees with him.
Two, you can deny service to someone who is not a protected class. And I’m pretty sure senile racist white billionaire is not a protected class.
Three, are they seriously, after years of fighting that they should be allowed to discriminate, going to claim victimhood and say Trump has to be served because otherwise feelings are going to be hurt?
Four, what would they say if asked whether they’d serve Hillary in their restaurants? Scratch that… I’m sure we all know what the answer would be, and just how much joy they’d get from saying it.
OH lordy… the hypocrisy is just astounding.
Anyway this works both ways. If there were a Michael Symon restaurant in Austin, I’d be heading over there tonight. And if his food is good, they’ll be going there for dinner regardless.
Dunno. I like things that irritate Yamus Doofus, but I’m not sure why this should be any more acceptable than refusing to serve gay people, etc. Personally, I think if the Entourage of Inanity did find their way in, Symon should have tables set up near the bathrooms and demand a cash deposit up front.
“It’s unclear exactly which bill will be brought to the floor.”
Therefore, it will be a mimic of the Seante votes: Repubs vote against meaningful Dems legislation, and Dems vote against ridiculous Repub legislation.
Another ho-hum moment in Congress.
This isn’t the first time a chef has been creeped out trumpet’s racist remarks. There are two in this story who are not going to participate in new trump restaurants.
Then the chef would be broadly generalizing about an entire group of people, not having a specific reason to refuse service to one particular individual because of his personal interactions with the man.
Is it illegal to deny service to an individual? (LegalZoom):
“you cannot deny service to someone because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin or disability. In some states and cities, you also cannot discriminate against gays. If there is no state, federal or local law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations against a particular group of people, then you can legally refuse to serve that group of people.”
But what about an individual, no matter how “creepy” one deems them?
““We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” sounds vague and arbitrary. Business can’t just randomly refuse to serve someone.”
I am not a lawyer, or restaurant owner, but it sounds like Trump may have a case if refused service. Then again, if an owner feels that a creepy guy would disrupt his business and scare his customers, he would be justified to refuse service. Any lawyer responses?