Discussion: CBO: Obamacare Repeal Bill Reduces Deficit By $337 Billion Over 10 Years

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Those savings is essentially blood money.


This small tidbit of good news is the only thing the GOP will focus on in order to pass this and completely ignore the millions of Americans they just sent a death sentence. Buckle up, kids, we’re in for a long fight.



I, too, could reduce the deficit by trillions of dollars by drastically reducing T rump’s planned nuclear weapons build-up, and of course, eliminate all spending on that stupid loser border wall.

But then again, expecting the GOP to serve “the people” is beneath their understanding. How dare we call them “public servants!” We do what they want, not the other way around!


How is Trump and the GOP gonna spin this?
CBO is waaaaaay off and phony with 14-24M uninsured, just like they were with ACA and “half” as many sign-ups,
but CBO is right-on and real with $340B savings.

Phony and Real, again.


GOP is already spinning it as a yuuuge savings with near universal health care because freedom, choices, MAGA, reasons.


Who in Congress has the balls to simply come out and say it’s time to slash the grotesque DEFENSE budget and use those death dollars for life-saving health care subsidies. The mammoth sucking sound of military spending is drowning out our nation’s right to nice things. It’s immoral and totally over the top. Our defense spending dwarfs the combined military budgets of the next 10 countries…absolutely obscene.


Except when the Pentagon gets its blank check, the deficit will soar…as usual with the GOP.

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Ryan,McConnell n Trump need to get asked if this bill is just about money.


i would like the dems to force this into law if possible before 2018 when those millions who lose their insurance could swing a lot of those house seats.


Passing the bill regardless of its impact has always been the game. It’s a pissing contest. I guess it’s a dead horse for the next administration to pummel.


Paul Ryan is cheering “reducing the deficit” by a small amount, meanwhile small business will see a $6 billion increase due to elimination of a tax credit and citizens will see at least a $600 billion increase due to elimination of insurance subsidies.

Nice job Paul Ryan, not only are you going to kill a lot of people, you’ve somehow made their deaths even more expensive!


All those people who won’t live long enough to drain the Medicare and Social Security trust funds … think of the savings!


If you take away the subsidies that support the poor under Medicaid, of course, you reduce the costs. If you pull the plug on grandma, she isn’t going to need any coverage any longer. Just burial costs.

This number is based on the 24 million who will not longer be getting healthcare or who are dead because they don’t. Gee, isn’t that special?


You don’t even have to slash defense. $337 billion over 10 years, or $33.7 billion per year, is only 60% of the increase DT wants to make to the defense budget.


How much of that $337 billion will be offset by costs spread to taxpayers (likely on a state level) to cover unpaid emergency room treatment? Hospitals also will look to insured patients to cover some of those expenses by charging more for services to people who pay their bills.

Does the CBO quantify those costs when it discusses the purported “savings” from the repeal bill?


Wait, $337B savings / 10 years = $33.7 billion/yr. $33.7B / 24 million uninsured = $1,400. Only $1,400!!

So Chaffetz wasn’t that far off! For two iPhones per year we can insure 24 million people!


Anyone associated with this garbage should be arrested for crimes against humanity.

That is some super math!