Carson gets testy when he misses his naps.
Good lord. ‘Can you cut her mic off?’ No Ben but we can get YOUR mic off and stop listening to your nonsense. ONE MORE TIME you show that it is possible to excel in a profession without one lick of common sense or ethics.
Hearing Joe Scar tell Carson to stop saying “you people” in reference to the media was the best thing I’ll hear all day…
Carson doesn’t have time for interruptions. He has to get back to work at the Zootopia DMV.
And, if it were anywhere else on MSNBC than the Temple to Joe Scar’s Masculine Ego, Ben Carson’s testy little “shut that wummen up!” moment would further shrink the already-tiny Women-for-Trump vote.
I watched this on DVR. Why go on a news show when you know the topic is going to be accusations of sexual assault against your candidate and refuse to simply answer the question?
Scarborough was pissed off, and you don’t usually see him like that against Republicans.
He’s got nothing. So, he’s on the right show at least.
“What matters is that the train is going off the cliff. We’re taking our eye off of that…"
Ooooh, Benjamin, you’re mixing your metaphors again. You know what that does to me. Now talk about the pyramids.! YES, YES!
“What do you mean, ‘you people’?”
“What do YOU mean, ‘you people’?!?”
Does it really matter if “the train is going off the cliff”? Most people think that once it’s off the tracks, the disaster has already happened.
I couldn’t believe Joe told him to answer the simple question!
Speaking as a member of the Judeos, I wish they’d leave us the f*ck out of their hypocricies.
Even St Paul instructs Christians not to say, “Can you turn off her mic?” when discussing misogyny.
I turned everybody’s mic off years ago. I have my TV programmed to exclude cable news networks.
And I change the channel when NPR insists on interviewing these Bozos for all that equal time for the alternative viewpoint nonsense. Yelling at the radio when I’m driving scares the kids…
Don’t forget, kiddies, that this was another republican running for POTUS.
Clown car, indeed.
Yes, but none of them can come up with a reasonable answer, just like ol’ Ben here. Kind of fun to see them flail.
Careful, he’s liable to get stabby.
Conspiracies trump truth. So says Ben.
"Send back the fruit salad. "
Everyone put on an oversize belt buckle before interviewing him