“Listen, it doesn’t matter whether they’re lying or not,” Carson repeated. “What matters is that the train is going off the cliff. We’re taking our eye off of that and getting involved in other issues.”
Golly, squirreltown, sounds like they’re facing an existential threat!
There is nothing a “Christian Dominionist” hates more than an 'Uppity Woman" who he cannot force into silence.
Thus the “Can you turn her mic off?”.
Pathetic little boys the lot of them.
Usually I skip right past Morning Joe on satellite radio, but on hearing the good Doctor’s voice I tarried a while.
Glad I did, because I was giggling all the way through the traffic jam. Anyone who can make Joe look like the smarter guy in the room has some elite level stupidity going on.
These guys are nuts.
“Listen, it doesn’t matter whether they’re lying or not,” Carson repeated. “What matters is that the train is going off the cliff. We’re taking our eye off of that and getting involved in other issues.”
I think that you meant to say “your brain” instead of “the train.” Oh, and it went off the cliff a long time ago.
I liked the part where he said there are more important things to talk about during an election than issues in Judeo-Christian morality such as whether or not the candidate repeatedly commits sexual assault and brags about it in a pattern going back decades. There’s a time and place to talk about it, and he’d love to get into that, but not during an election.