Discussion for article #242809
When you’ve even lost the chief fairy-tale generator of the RWNJ’s…
asking this facetiously but how can the ‘smartest man in the room’ possibly need to study details like foreign policy or economic theory or immigration?
like st ronald… all that’s needed is ‘common sense’ to deal with the problem because the solution is simple and obvious…
Clearer? What part of “better than the White House” don’t you understand?
“… by bombing their oil fields.”
That’s a Goldfinger solution for increasing the value of your own oil.
But regardless, ISIS doesn’t own any oil, so why would they care?
Carson also proposed that the U.S. could “fairly easily” defeat the Islamic State terrorist group by bombing their oil fields.
Also, petting a hungry wolverine will get him to leave those ducks alone.
One of his closest advisors is Armstrong Williams. He surrounds himself with hacks like Williams, what more does anyone need to know?
Actually I think Dr. Carson should clarify all his policy positions,
instead of muddying the pool to make it look deep.
Like a parent discussing their teenage kid’s shortcomings. “We’re aware of his problems and he’ll being working on it if he figures out what is best for him.”
"Carson also proposed that the U.S. could “fairly easily” defeat the Islamic State terrorist group. . . "
As I recall that’s what Bush and Cheney told us about invading IRAQ.
All 3 are bold faced liars.
Quick - what’s the name of Carson’s CAMPAIGN manager?
As many have pointed out, the fact that we only ever see the business manager speaking for him is quite telling. Oh, and thanks, MSM, for giving Armstrong cover as an “advisor” to try to take the focus off of “business” manager.
A few months ago Carson was quoted as saying that unemployment and the economy were also very easy and quick fixes. No one has ever pressed him on this point. And while a journalist is at it, Carson should be asked to clarify his thoughts about whether the pathological dictator Obama would just cancel the 2016 election in Obama’s quest to become King and implement a military state. In which case, just why is the good doctor even bothering?
I thought Chauncey’s foreign policy was “Stab, Hammer and You Want The Guy Behind The Counter.”
Trump has been given a pass on getting rid of all disease, so don’t expect Carson’s claims to be challenged.
I always thought it was “bald faced,” but then I found this.
Sorry. Carry on.
Obama said (calmly and reasonably)
I’ve had access to all the best military minds in the country and all the best foreign policy minds in the country, and I’m not running for office
He added
if those advisers don’t think it’s easy it’s probably not.
What is easy is for two amateurs to grab TV time to say stoopid things on matters they know nothing about…
This is “dude, I stuck my neck out for you on national television yesterday,and now you are trying to backtrack on it? WTF???”.
And more evidence to support my premise that attacking Carson on policy, not his biography, is the way to go.
Isn’t it Grifty McGrifter?
James Bamford has a great story in Foreign Policy on former two star general James Dees who heads Carson’s National Security team.
"He has repeatedly made it clear that he believes it is important to use the military to convert the American public and foreign nations to Christianity while addressing the “threat” posed by the world’s Muslim population whose “final end state,” he believes, is “violence and oppression.”
If only the government could collect some of the “stoopid tax” these grifters collect from right wing dupes, we could significantly reduce the federal deficit.