Discussion: Carson’s Own Adviser Thinks He Needs To Clarify His Policy Ideas (VIDEO)

The best part about attacking Carson on policy is you basically just gotta give him a shovel and he will dig the hole himself.

It seems to me that Ben Carson doesn’t have any prior involvement in the things Armstrong Williams says on Carson’s behalf, doesn’t listen to Armstrong saying them, and continues on as is Williams had never said anything.

“Dr. Carson really has to get into the details of his policies, whether its immigration, whether its taxes, whether its Medicaid, whether its how we deal with ISIS and ISIS and our foreign policy,” Williams said. “He really has to get into the real detail because he has to convince people who like him, who trust him—they have to believe that he has the capacity to lead from a policy position, from a substantive position. They have to believe he can learn these issues and articulate them in a way that they find they’re willing to trust him to become their next President of the United States.”

When I hear anyone–but particularly a candidate or their advisors–make these sorts of statements, I think to myself, “Are you trying to convince yourself of that?? – because we’re not Fifth Graders, we (the viewers) and Chris (the journalist) already know this stuff. You’re not a grade-school teacher.”

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He doesn’t have a “foreign policy” position or an “economic position” or an “energy policy” because Ben carson doesn’t know fuck all about any of these things.

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Armstrong Williams hereby succeeds the formerly greatest manager of this kind of misadventure, Luigi Ficotti.

“What do you say to people who accuse you of exploiting Ron, for your own purposes?”

“Well, it’s totally untrue. Ever since I left Sicily, I’ve been trying to do the best FOR Ron …”

I think Dr. Carson is actually an employee of Williams’. Carson’s proven in the past to be a ‘good earner,’ and rather than accept the usual free trip to Disneyworld, he’s chosen the fantasy ride to the White House.

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Armstrong is laying the groundwork for bailing on the Carson campaign.
He sees what a train-wreck it is becoming and is packing his parachute as we write…

Sort of, but that’s not the main point I am trying to make.

Its not that his policy positions are nutty or wrong…or even perceived as correct. Its that EVERY time he gets confronted on these issues…he changes and backs off. To the GOP mindset…he surrenders and retreats.

That’s totally unacceptable.

carson doing in-depth foreign policy positions. this should be fun. and his past half-baked rhetoric? as desi used to say to lucy, “there’s a lot of splaining to be done.”

What is exactly is going on here? This guy comes out ALL THE TIME and says things like this to the press. He told everyone that his candidate should stop using the Nazi references. Who does that to the person whose campaign they are running?

Do you think they’ve actually met?